
Most often coming from the school of hard knocks, Fighters known as Pugilists learned to fight in the dark underbelly of society. Where others use tactics and practiced techniques, Pugilists rely on brute force and dirty tricks. To them, every fight is a fight for their life and they find victory at any cost.  


3rd-level Fighter (Pugilist) Feature

You have learned to fight with anything that you can get your hands on. You learn one additional Fighting Style from the following list: Brawler, Improvised Fighting, or Wrestler.   You learn another Fighting Style from this list at 7th and 10th level. If you already know all three Fighting Styles, you instead learn a Fighter Fighting Style of your choice.

Iron Physique

3rd-level Fighter (Pugilist) Feature

You have learned to take a punch better than most people. You can use your Constitution, in place of Dexterity, when calculating your Armor Class in light and medium armor.   Also, if you are not wearing any armor or wielding a shield, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.

Pugilist Exploits

3rd-level Fighter (Pugilist) Feature

You learn certain Exploits at the Fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Fighter LevelExploit
3rdstreetwise, take down
5thconcussive blow, defensive stance
9thdisorienting blow

Counter Punch

7th-level Fighter (Pugilist) Feature

You have learned to exploit every opening your foes give you. When a creature you can see misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make a single unarmed strike, improvised weapon, shove, or grapple attack against it.   If you make an Athletics check as part of this reaction, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.   Finally, your pure grit empowers your unarmed strikes and improvised weapon attacks to count as magical attacks.

Evasive Footwork

10th-level Fighter (Pugilist) Feature

You have trained to evade your foes' strikes in combat. When you take the Attack action on your turn and make at least one unarmed strike, grapple, or shove, you can take the Dash or Disengage action in place of one of your attacks on that turn.

Diamond Physique

15th-level Fighter (Pugilist) Feature

You have learned to take hits that would be deadly to weaker warriors. You learn the unbreakable Exploit, but it does not count against your total number of Exploits Known.   Moreover, you can use the unbreakable Exploit more than once between each long rest, however, in order to do so you must expend your Hit Dice in place of Exploit Dice.

Legendary Pugilist

18th-level Fighter (Pugilist) Feature

Your fists have become weapons of legend. When you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike and the creature has 50 hit points or fewer, you can choose to instantly reduce it to 0 hit points.   Once you do so, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.


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