

Shields-the-Pride is a revered Felarid deity of protection, camaraderie, and loyalty. In his divine form, he embodies the image of a guardian with a voluminous white coat complete with a large mane of fur that grows slightly darker at the tips, closer to a tan color. His coat shines and billows with an ethereal light and unfelt wind. His eyes are unmatched, a rare sign among his people that most often manifests within his own followers when they complete a great act of service in his name. His left eye is bright blue like the sky at midday, while his right eye is bright green like the wide open plains. His presence is both comforting and commanding, instilling a sense of peace and serenity in most, and a sense of security and strength in defenders.   Standing large and imposing—at least in reference to Felarids—Shields-the-Pride's divine appearance is a testament to his elevated status. Despite his increased size and formidable aura, his movements are graceful and fluid, reminiscent of the agile being he once was. His claws, though rarely used, are symbols of his readiness to defend and protect, shining with a holy light and coated in pure silver that can repel the foulest of undead.


Shields-the-Pride is fiercely protective and nurturing, embodying the essence of a guardian who is deeply committed to the safety and well-being of his followers. His personality is a blend of tender care and unyielding bigilance, ensuring that those under his protection feel both loved and secure. He extends a comforting presence, much like a warm blanket on a cold night, providing emotional and spiritual shelter to all who seek his guidance. His nurturing nature makes him a beloved figure among the Felarids, who look to him not only as a protector but also as a paternal figure who genuinely cares for their happiness and welfare. As such, he is often seen as the patron deity of orphans who take up his worship as a father figure.   Loyalty is at the core of Shields-the-Pride's character. His unwavering dedication to his followers and their collective cause is legendary. This fierce loyalty fosters a strong sense of camaraderie among his worshipers, encouraging them to forge deep, meaningful bonds with one another. He teaches that true strength lies in unity and that together, they can overcome any adversity. This belief in the power of community and mutual support is a cornerstone of his teachings and a key aspect of his divine mission.   Shields-the-Pride's hatred for the undead is intense and deeply personal. Having sacrificed his mortal life to protect his tribe from an undead onslaught, he harbors a profound loathing for these abominations. This intense aversion drives him to support and empower those who stand against the undead, offering his divine favor to warriors, clerics, and guardians dedicated to eradicating this scourge. His followers are often inspired by his fervor, taking up arms and spells in his name to combat the undead wherever they may arise. This aspect of his personality ensures that his influence extends beyond mere protection, actively engaging in the ongoing battle against the forces of darkness.



Shields-the-Pride possesses divine powers of protection, making him a beacon of safety and comfort for his followers. His most prominent ability is his capacity to shield his worshipers from harm. With a mere thought, he can conjure radiant barriers of light that can repel physical and magical attacks, creating sanctuaries of impenetrable defense around those in need. These barriers are not just physical manifestations but also carry his divine essence, filling those within with a sense of peace and reassurance.   In addition to his shielding abilities, Shields-the-Pride is a master healer. He can mend wounds with a touch, his paws glowing with a soft, soothing light that knits flesh and bone back together. This healing power extends beyond the physical; he can also ease emotional and spiritual wounds, offering solace to those who are troubled or in pain. His healing is imbued with his nurturing spirit, ensuring that those he aids feel cared for and revitalized.   Shields-the-Pride also has the ability to enhance the defensive capabilities of those who pray to him. Through his divine blessing, he can grant his followers increased resilience and fortitude, making them more resistant to harm. This enhancement is often accompanied by a radiant glow that signifies his protective presence, bolstering their armor and shields with his divine power. His followers often report feeling an almost tangible sense of his presence, as if his protective aura surrounds them, fortifying their bodies and spirits against any threat.   Beyond these tangible powers, Shields-the-Pride's presence alone is a source of immense inspiration. His divine aura radiates courage and unity, fortifying the resolve of his worshipers. In his presence, fear and doubt are dispelled, replaced by a steadfast determination and a strong sense of camaraderie. His followers are imbued with a shared purpose, their hearts and minds united in their devotion to protection and loyalty. This sense of unity makes them stronger together, enabling them to face even the gravest dangers with unshakeable confidence.


In combat, Shields-the-Pride is a formidable protector, embodying the perfect blend of offense and defense. His primary combat ability lies in his mastery of divine energy, which he wields with unparalleled precision to create shields and barriers that can deflect even the most potent attacks. These shields are not just static defenses but dynamic extensions of his will, capable of adapting to the flow of battle to provide optimal protection. His barriers are imbued with a radiant light that can absorb and dissipate the force of incoming blows, rendering his followers nearly invulnerable while within his protective embrace.   Shields-the-Pride's combat style is a masterclass in defensive tactics and counterattacks. Rather than engaging in direct confrontation, he uses his opponents' aggression against them. His movements are graceful and strategic, allowing him to parry and redirect attacks with ease. When an enemy strikes, Shields-the-Pride can swiftly counter, exploiting openings in their defense to deliver precise and devastating blows. His claws, charged with divine energy, can slice through even the toughest armor, leaving his foes reeling. This approach not only minimizes harm to himself and his allies but also demoralizes his enemies, who find their efforts thwarted at every turn.   Particularly effective against undead, Shields-the-Pride's combat prowess truly shines when facing these vile abominations. His holy light is a powerful purging force that can cleanse the corruption of undeath. When he channels this light, it manifests as searing beams or radiant explosions that disintegrate undead on contact. His mere presence is anathema to these creatures, causing them to weaken and wither in his vicinity. Shields-the-Pride can also imbue his followers' weapons with his holy light, granting them the ability to strike with divine power and purge the undead from existence.   Additionally, Shields-the-Pride's combat abilities extend to his capacity to inspire and lead his followers in battle. His presence on the battlefield is a rallying point, bolstering the morale and courage of those who fight alongside him. His followers fight with renewed vigor, knowing that their deity stands with them, guiding and protecting them. This divine support creates an unbreakable frontline, where Shields-the-Pride and his worshipers become an impenetrable force against any foe.


Shield of Eternal Light

Armor of the Faithful



Enemies and Allies

Shields-the-Pride counts among his allies deities of justice, protection, and healing. His primary enemies are deities and entities associated with death, destruction, and the undead, against whom he wages an eternal battle.



The primary symbol of Shields-the-Pride is a radiant shield with a paw print at its center. Another common symbol is a pair of intertwined paws.

Notable Worshipers

Notable worshipers of Shields-the-Pride include Felarid guardians, paladins, and clerics dedicated to protection and the eradication of undead. Among them, the High Guardian Hops-like-Frogs is particularly revered for his unwavering dedication and valiant deeds in the name of Shields-the-Pride.


Shields-the-Pride, originally known as Strikes-at-Beetles, was a mortal Felarid who gained renown for his bravery and protective nature. His ultimate act of valor came when he stood alone against a horde of undead, sacrificing himself to protect his tribe. His heroic deeds earned him a place among the divine, where he continues to protect and inspire his followers.
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Table of Contents

Divine Symbols and Sigils
A radiant silver shield bearing a paw print on it; intertwined paws
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Good
Current Location
Deity, previously Puffed Felarid
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Guardian of the Pride
Defender of the Faithful
The Shieldbearer
Heterochromatic; Left eye is bright blue, right eye is bright green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bright white fur
65 lbs.
General Worshipers
Felarid guardians, paladins, clerics
Worshiper Alignments
Lawful Good, Neutral Good
Favored Weapon
Shield, claws, mace
Holy Days
Day of the Guardian
Favored Animals
Favored Colors
White, gold, blue, green
Miscellaneous Manifestations
### 5th Edition
Cleric Domains
Paladin Oaths
### 4th Edition
Cleric Domains
### 3.5th Edition
Cleric Domains
### 2nd Edition
Major Spheres
Minor Spheres
Allowed Weapons
Allowed Armor
Any bludgeoning, claws
Cleric 20, Fighter 20, Paladin 30


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