
The Skalds of Elaris are not only bards but also formidable warriors, merging the art of war with the power of storytelling and magic. They are the fearless vanguard of their tribes, leading their fellow warriors into the chaos of battle with a potent blend of martial prowess and bardic magic. With voices that can command the winds and rhythms that quicken the heartbeat, Skalds stand as imposing figures on the battlefield, rallying their allies and striking fear into the hearts of their foes.
  These bards do not shy away from the frontlines; instead, they embrace the chaos and danger of combat, for they believe that the most epic tales are forged amid the clash of swords and the roar of battle. Armed with both blade and song, Skalds become a living embodiment of war chants and battle hymns, their presence electrifying the battlefield. They fight alongside their tribal brethren, forging a bond that goes beyond blood, as they inspire each other to greater feats of valor.
  The Skalds are driven by a relentless quest for power and glory for their tribes. They wander the vast expanse of the land, seeking ancient relics, forgotten incantations, and hidden knowledge that can elevate their people to greatness. Their journeys take them to the farthest corners of Elaris, where they delve into the mysteries of magic and unearth tales of legendary warriors. Every piece of lore and every magical secret they uncover is a potential source of strength for their tribe.
  Among the Fahrym Unions, where adaptability and resilience are prized virtues, Skalds find their natural home. These nomadic tribes value those who can lead in battle and adapt to the ever-changing challenges of their harsh environment. Skalds exemplify this adaptability, shifting seamlessly between the roles of warrior, lorekeeper, and diplomat as they navigate the intricate web of tribal life.
  In the Fahrym Unions, Skalds play a pivotal role in maintaining the unity and strength of the tribes. Their war chants resonate across the windswept plains, serving as a unifying force that binds the tribes together. Through their songs and stories, they keep the collective memory of their people alive, ensuring that the tales of their ancestors inspire the present and future generations.
  As the Skalds roam the land, their legacy is written not only in the songs they sing but also in the history they create. They are the bridge between the past and the future, the warriors who carry the weight of their tribe's aspirations on their shoulders.

Unarmored Defense

3rd-Level Bard (Skald) Feature
While you are not wearing any armor, your armor class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Battle Hymn

3rd-Level Bard (Skald) Feature
In battle, a skald is able to enter a trance-like state and they beat out a battle hymn, rallying their companions and leading them to victory. On your turn, you can begin a battle hymn as a bonus action.
  While chanting your battle hymn, you gain the following benefits:
    • You have advantage on Strength ability checks.
    • When you make a melee weapon attack or a ranged weapon attack with a thrown weapon, you gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to half your Bard Power Reservoir, rounded up. This bonus is halved if the attack is made with a light or finesse weapon.
  • You have advantage on saving throws made against the Frightened condition.

  While you are chanting your battle hymn, you must make an Intelligence check whenever you attempt to cast a spell, with a DC equal to 10 + the level of the spell. On a failure, the spell fails, but you don't lose the spell slot.
  Your battle hymn lasts for 10 minutes, until there are no hostile creatures that you can see or hear within 120 feet of you, or until you end it as a bonus action on your turn.
  You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Bard Power Reservoir, regaining all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Reckless Inspiration

3rd-Level Bard (Skald) Feature
Your chants and calls can drive others into a reckless fury. A creature that has a Bardic Inspiration die from you can roll that die and add the number rolled to the critical range of their next melee weapon attack. If they do, that attack has disadvantage, but the confirming roll does not unless the creature already has disadvantage from another source.

Extra Attack

6th-Level Bard (Skald) Feature
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Deadly Hymn

6th-Level Bard (Skald) Feature
Both you and creatures of your choice that can hear you within 60 feet of you benefit from your Battle Hymn. Other creatures benefitting from your Battle Hymn do not need to make a check when attempting to cast a spell.

Terrifying Hymn

14th-Level Bard (Skald) Feature
When you begin chanting your battle hymn, each creature of your choice that can hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, being frightened of you until the beginning of your next turn on a failure. Each creature frightened in this way is paralyzed.
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