Sorcerer 5

Inspired by Laserllama's Alternate Sorcerer
Level Proficiency Bonus Sorcery Points Features Cantrips Known Spells Known Spell Limit
1st +2 4 Feat, Sorcerous Bloodline 4 2 1st
2nd +2 6 Inherent Metamagic 4 2 1st
3rd +2 14 Inherent Metamagic Option 4 3 2nd
4th +2 17 Feat 4 4 2nd
5th +3 27 Magical Guidance 5 5 3rd
6th +3 32 Feat, Sorcerous Bloodline Feature 5 6 3rd
7th +3 38 Bloodline Mutation 5 7 4th
8th +3 44 Feat 5 8 4th
9th +4 57 6 9 5th
10th +4 64 Feat, Inherent Metamagic Option 6 10 5th
11th +4 73 6 11 6th
12th +4 73 Feat, Inherent Metamagic Option 6 12 6th
13th +5 84 Bloodline Mutation 7 13 7th
14th +5 84 Feat, Sorcerous Bloodline Feature 7 14 7th
15th +5 98 Inherent Metamagic Option 7 15 8th
16th +5 98 Feat 7 16 8th
17th +6 123 Grand Magic, Inherent Metamagic Option 8 17 8th
18th +6 130 Sorcerous Bloodline Feature 8 18 8th
19th +6 139 Feat 8 19 8th
20th +6 150 Feat, Sorcerous Emergence 8 20 8th

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Sorcerer.


1st-Level Sorcerer Feature

You learn one feat of your choice.

Sorcerous Bloodline

1st-Level Sorcerer Feature

Your bloodline carries with it a magical power from some source of your choice, whether due to ancient interbreeding or having it directly infused into your blood. Your choice grants you features at 1st-level and again at 6th, 14th, and 18th level.

Bloodline Spells

Each Sorcerous Bloodline has a list of Bloodline Spells that you learn at the Sorcerer levels noted in your Bloodline's description. Your Bloodline Spells count as Sorcerer spells for you, but they do not count against your total number of spells known.
Sorcerous Bloodlines
Sorcerous BloodlineDescription
Aberrant BloodlineWithin your veins courses an otherworldly essence, an enigmatic force that taints your very being, granting you access to the esoteric realm of psionic power.
Abyssal BloodlineCenturies past, a malevolent demon cast its nefarious influence upon the very roots of your ancestral tree, insidiously weaving its vile essence into the tapestry of your heritage.
Appointed BloodlineOnce in a generation, a divinely chosen ruler is born amongst the people. Some cults and countries seek out these blessed rulers, trusting the gods to select their leader.
Astral BloodlineSome of the eldest beings in the universe reside in the Astral Plane, the ethereal space between the great planes. Sometimes, if a mortal being is exposed to the luminescent and ancient power of this space between spaces, or one of the ancient creatures that dwells there, they are infected by this magic.
Celestial BloodlineOccasionally, the wellspring of magic that ignites the sorcerer’s arcane potential finds its origins in the radiant brilliance of a divine source, a resplendent light that shimmers deep within the recesses of the soul.
Darktouched BloodlineThe Outer Dark is that which lies beyond all, further even than the realms of the gods themselves. This formless, lightless, writhing chaos desires that all creature returns to it, and sometimes the magic of this place seeps into soon-to-be sorcerers, infusing their bodies and bloodline with itself.
Draconic BloodlineThe wellspring of your innate magic finds its source in the ancient and venerable traditions of draconic power, an enigmatic force intertwined with the very essence of your bloodline or that of your ancestors.
Elemental BloodlineThe formidable power of the elements courses like a tempestuous river, at times surging beyond your control with unrestrained fury. The genesis of this extraordinary influence finds its roots in a remarkable convergence of fate—an elemental visitor from realms beyond, or a defining encounter with the raw might of elemental forces that forever left their mark upon you and your ancestral lineage.
Fey BloodlineThe capricious and whimsical essence of the fey races courses through the very veins of your family tree, a testament to an intermingling of fey blood or enchantment.
Genie BloodlineDeep within you surges the mythical and noble essence of a genie, an otherworldly heritage drawn from mysterious intelligent elemental wish-granters.
Imperial BloodlineA scion of forgotten kings, bearing a linaege steeped in the echoes of long-vanished empires that have spanned every epoch of humanity's storied history, an imperial sorcerer represents the pinnacle of human potential.
Infernal BloodlineEntwined within the annals of your family's history lies a fateful moment when one of your forebears entered into a pact with a devil, an accord that has reverberated through the ages and forever shaped the course of your family line.
Lawbound BloodlineYour mind, body, and soul are intertwined with the cosmic force of law, drawing you toward an ever-approaching median at the center of time and space. You can pull from this point and draw forth magic to enforce your will upon the universe around you.
Primal BloodlineThere are many reclusive sages who learn to wield the magic of nature, but a rare few are born with an innate connection to that magic.
Shadow BloodlineEthereal spirits from the Plane of Shadow intertwine themselves with your essence and lineage, forging a mystical communion. As a result, you have inherited not only the elusive powers of the shadow but also the enigmatic disposition that comes with it.
Steelheart BloodlineOften born during times of great war and strife, those of a Steelheart Bloodline have an affinity for all things forged for use in war.
Storm BloodlineYou can trace your lineage back to the pierce and proud spirits of storm and sky, entities of elemental power that have etched their mark upon your bloodline with the crack of thunder and arc of lightning.
Undead BloodlineThe unmistakable taint of the grave winds its way through the intricate branches of your family tree, a shadowy and ominous legacy that casts a haunting pall over your ancestral line.



1st-Level Sorcerer Feature

Your blood itself carries magic throughout it, leaving you forever marked by whatever force put it there. This font of magic, whatever its origin, fuels your spells.


At 1st level, you know four cantrips of your choice from the Sorcerer spell list. You learn additional sorcerer cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Sorcerer table.

Sorcery Points

The Sorcerer table shows the number of Sorcery Points that you have to cast the Sorcerer spells you know of 1st-level and higher. To cast a Sorcerer spell, you must expend the amount of Sorcery Points indicated in the table below. You regain all expended Sorcery Points each time you finish a long rest.
  For example, as a 3rd level Sorcerer, you can cast the spell burning hands at 2nd-level by spending 3 Sorcery Points.
Spell LevelSorcery Point Cost
Spell LevelSorcery Point Cost

Spell Limit

Your Sorcerer level limits the potency of spells that you can produce. This limit is reflected in the Spell Limit column of the Sorcerer Table. For example, as a 5th level Sorcerer, you are limited to learning and casting spells of 3rd-level or lower.

Spells Known of 1st-level and Higher

At 1st level, you learn two 1st-level spells of your choice from the Sorcerer spell list. Refer to the Spells Known column of the Sorcerer table to see when you learn additional Sorcerer spells. Each spell you learn must be of a level equal to your Spell Limit or lower. For instance, when you reach 3rd level, you can learn one new Sorcerer spell of 1st or 2nd-level.
  Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Sorcerer spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Sorcerer spell list, which also must be of a level equal to your Spell Limit or lower.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Sorcerer spells, so you use Charisma when a spell refers to your spellcasting ability, when setting the saving throw DC for a spell, or when you make a spell attack roll for one of your Sorcerer spells.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spellcasting Focus

Your body itself can be used as a spellcasting focus. You must have at least one free hand to cast spells that require somatic or material components, and you must still provide material components that are consumed by a spell or have a gold cost.

Inherent Metamagic

2nd-Level Sorcerer Feature

You have unlocked the ability to twist your spells to suit your needs. You gain one Metamagic feat which you meet the prerequisites for. You gain another one at 3rd, 10th, 12th, 15th, and 17th level. Unlike normal, you can apply these metamagic feats when you cast a Sorcerer spell without increasing the casting time of the spell, without needing to apply it to the spell permanently. When you apply a metamagic feat to a Sorcerer spell, you spend Sorcery points as though casting the spell at a higher level.
  You can only use one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it, unless otherwise noted.
  Metamagic options gained through the Inherent Metamagic trait can only be applied to the spells you gain through the Sorcerer class, even if you gain spells in another way at some point. You can use Metamagic options gained from other sources spontaneously upon casting a sorcerer spell using this feature.

Magical Guidance

5th-Level Sorcerer Feature

You can tap into your inner wellspring of magic to try and conjure success from hopeless odds. When you make an ability check, you can spend 2 sorcery points as a reaction to grant yourself advantage on that roll. If you have disadvantage on that roll, you instead only need to spend 1 sorcery point to grant yourself advantage.

Bloodline Mutation

7th-Level Sorcerer Feature

The raw magical energy channeled through you by your blood has altered and modified it to a great degree. Choose a bloodline mutation that you meet the prerequisites for.

Blood Havoc

Your blood grows rampant and uncontrollable. Whenever you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher that you gained from your bloodline spells that deals damage, you can reroll any roll of 1, using the new result. This applies to attack rolls and damage rolls.

Blood Intensity

Your blood grows stronger. Whenever you cast a sorcerer of 1st level or higher that you gained from your bloodline spells that deals damage, that spell deals an additional die of damage. When you reach 13th level, this increases to two additional damage dice. If a spell deals two or more different sizes of dice for damage, use the smallest die size.

Blood Piercing

Your magic is accurate and able to pierce even the strongest defenses. Whenever you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher that you gained from your bloodline spells that deals damage, creatures targeted by the spell have their magic resistance, if any, reduced by an amount equal to twice your Sorcerer Power Reservoir.

Grand Magic

17th-Level Sorcerer Feature

You have unlocked exceptionally powerful magic within your blood, being greater than anything you have managed thus far. Whenever you learn a new Sorcerer spell, that spell can be of any level, including 9th. You can cast a 9th-level spell by spnding 25 sorcery points. Once you do so, you cannot cast another 9th-level spell until you finish a long rest.

Sorcerous Emergence

20th-Level Sorcerer Feature

You have realized the full potential of your innate magic, and the weave itself bends to your will. Each Metamagic ability you know has its Sorcery Point cost reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1 Sorcery Point).
  Also, you can apply a number of Metamagic abilities to each spell you cast equal to your Sorcerer Power Reservoir, provided that you have the Sorcery Points to do so, and the spell you cast meets all the requirements for the Metamagic abilities you wish to apply.
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Hit Points

Hit Dice
1d4 per Sorcerer level
Hit Points at 1st Level
1d4 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels
1d4 (or 3) + your Constitution modifier per Sorcerer level after 1st


Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaves, Light Crossbows
Saving Throws
Constitution, Charisma
Choose two of the following: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion


As a sorcerer, you can choose to start with (1d4+1)x10gp to purchase starting gear or with the following equipment:
  • (a) a light crossbow, 20 light bolts, and a bolt case or (b) a sling, 20 sling bullets, and a belt pouch.
  • (a) a quarterstaff or (b) two daggers.
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack.

Sorcerer Power Reservoir

Your Sorcerer Power Reservoir is equal to your Charisma modifier, but is never higher than your Proficiency Bonus. At level 17 or higher, this instead equals the chosen ability score's modifier +1, but is never higher than your Proficiency Bonus.

Quick Build

You can make a Sorcerer quickly by using these suggestions. First, make your Charisma your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the hermit background.

Multiclassing and the Sorcerer

If your group uses the optional multiclassing rules, here is what you need to know when you choose to take your first level in the Sorcerer class:
Ability Score Minimum
As a multiclass character, you must have at minimum a 13 in Charisma to take a Sorcerer level or take a level in another class if you are already a Sorcerer.
Proficiencies Gained
If Sorcerer is not your initial class, you gain no proficiencies of any kind when you take you first level as a Sorcerer.
Arcane Spellcasting
If you have a feature from another class that allows you to learn and cast arcane spells, such as the wizard, warlock, or bard, you can use your Sorcery Points to cast the spells you gain through that feature, and you can use arcane spell slots from that feature to cast your Sorcerer spells. You cannot use Sorcery Points to cast divine spells nor cast Sorcerer spells using divine spell slots.


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