Spirit Lore


Some psionicists are close to the spirits and can gain information from them. Spirit lore is a risky method of learning deeply-hidden secrets or unravelling mysteries. The psionicist must ask very specific questions when using this power, the spirits will never volunteer information and often seek to distort or confuse the truth.   When this power is initiated, the DM should roll the power check in secret. The result of the psionicist s power check determines the quality of the information he receives. However, no matter what the result is, the DM should try to be mysterious and vague in his answers. The spirits possess a lot of knowledge about a lot of different things and matters, but they are not omniscient.
Power CheckResult
1-2The spirit doesn't know the answer and lies
3-4The spirit knows only part of the answer and embellishes the truth, hoping to deceive the psionicist
5-6The spirit doesn't know, but admits its ignorance
7-8The spirit knows the answer, but tries to disguise the truth in deceptive riddles.
9+The spirit knows the answer to the question and answers truthfully
If the result is a failure, the psionicist finds no spirits to contact. The psionicist may ask one question per round of the spirit world. A clever character will cross-examine a spirit to determine its truthfulness.   Power Score - A very knowledgeable and helpful spirit is contacted.   20 - The psionicist contacts a malicious entity that attempts to magic jar the psionicist out of his body.
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Related Discipline
Power Score
Int -3
Initial Cost
Maintenance Cost
Preparation Time
PSP Cost
Area of Effect
Spirit Sense


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