History of Korvindur

A history of the gold dwarven city, Korvindur.

  • 427 BCR

    4 /10

    Founding of Korvindur

    Korvindur was founded this day through the work of five dwarf lords and their companies. This included Nor Thaud, Norkas Turadak, Thirtur Bulkak, Valgar Yurerg, and Vonag Zuldagbor. These five have gone down in history for Korvindur and the lands surrounding for all they and their companions accomplished.

  • 427 BCR

    5 /10
    277 BCR

    5 /10

    Crowning of High King Zuldagbor
    Political event

    On this day, Vonag Zuldagbor was crowed High King of Korvindur by his four companions. This day is celebrated as the original crowning of the kings, and thus all crownings are held on this day.

  • 399 BCR

    21 /11
    399 BCR

    21 /11

    Completion of the Crimson Crest Citadel
    Construction beginning/end

    This day marks the completion of the Crimson Crest Citadel, the largest and most important structure within Korvindur.

  • 277 BCR

    3 /9
    277 BCR

    3 /9

    Death of High King Zuldagbor
    Life, Death

    This day marks the death of the first High King of Korvindur, and is an official day of mourning. Work on this day is solemn and only done at half pace, allowing the dwarves time to work. Additionally, all alcohol on this day is given freely to citizens of Korvindur. This day is colloquially known as the Day of the King's Fall. Despite dying on this day, the high king's reign was considered to last until over a month later, keeping in line with the dwarves' tradition, and thus there was no high king for that time.

  • 277 BCR

    5 /10
    139 BCR

    5 /10

    Crowning of High King Garkadal
    Political event

    This day marks the crowning of the second High King of Korvindur, Khondlar Garkadal.

  • 139 BCR

    5 /10
    61 CR

    5 /10

    Crowning of High King Kaddul
    Political event

    On this day, the third High King of Korvindur, Theobek Kaddul, was crowned.

  • 136 BCR

    20 /15
    136 BCR

    20 /15

    Death of High King Garkadal
    Life, Death

    On this day, the second High King of Korvindur died.

  • 61 CR

    5 /10

    Crowning of High King Thranaud
    Political event

    This day marks the crowning of the fourth High King of Korvindur, Zuth Thranaud

  • 76 CR

    18 /14
    76 CR

    18 /14

    Death of High King Kaddul
    Life, Death

    This day marks the death of the third High King of Korvindur.
