Awoken Undead

Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Ability Modifiers +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Hit Points 4

Size and Type

Awoken Undead are Medium undead, though unlike other constructs, they have Constitution scores.

Cold Resistance

Awoken Undead gain cold resistance 5, which stacks with one other source of cold resistance.

Divinely Chosen

Awoken Undead were originally chosen by the gods of the Elarian deserts as prophets, being created to serve them directly. As such, divine magic often interacts oddly with them compared to typical undead. They count as a living creature for the purposes of magic healing effects that work on living creatures, though the number of Hit Points restored in such cases is halved while in direct sunlight or only heal 1 hit point per die while not in direct sunlight. Awoken Undead also heal naturally over time as living creatures do, and can benefit from magic or technology that can bring creatures back from the dead, returning as their undead state rather than as a living creature.  


Awoken Undead keep their connection to their creator through the light of suns. While they are not in direct sunlight, you are considered off-target.

Divine Undeath

Awoken Undead are immune to bleed, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, negative levels, and nonlethal damage unless those effects specify they affect undead. Awoken Undead can be affected by effects or spells that normally target only humanoids, but receive a +4 species bonus to saving throws against such effects. Awoken Undead can eat and drink, though they don't need to, and they must enter an inactive state that is similar to sleep for 8 hours every day, or 2 hours if in direct sunlight. Awoken Undead do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.
Corpses of the people from a mighty empire, raised by the pure will of the divine to watch over the living and guide them on a better path. Unlike ordinary undead, awoken undead—who are referred to as the Blessed by their own people—have full thought and a true soul. They are given a goal to be a shepherd and protect those whose time has not yet come.

Playing This Race

You likely...
  • Are highly religious and pious, serving the gods to a fault and believing they have a path set out for you.
  • See any who are still living as young and inexperienced, in need of guidance.
  • Have a natural understanding of magic, both arcane and divine in nature.
  • Have a natural dislike of un-awoken undead, seeing them as vile or incomplete.
Other Races Probably...
  • Have trouble seeing past your desiccated exterior and judge you as though you were any other undead.
  • Naturally feel fear or disgust when viewing you, or see you as a lesser being compared to them.
  • See you as a monster or something to be put down, rather than the guardian you view yourself as.
  • Experience difficulty understanding your particular sense of protection and help.

Physical Description

The awoken undead are a corpse of a kenku, human, elf, or half-elf given new life through the graces of a god—typically one of the Kuneiri pantheon. Their skin is dry and desiccated if they even still possess it, and their eyes typically appear dull and hazy. Despite this, they have a tendency to ornament their bodies with metal and gemstones, particularly gold and lapis lazuli. Outside of this, they greatly take advantage of technology and magic to ornament and empower their bodies.


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