
Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Ability Modifiers +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Hit Points 2

Size and Type

Bakali are Small vermin.  

Bakali Movement

Bakali have a base speed of 35 feet and a climb speed of 30 feet.  


Baraki have darkvision to a range of 60 feet, and can see in dim light as if it were normal light.  

Cold Resistance

Bakali have cold resistance 5, which stacks with one other source of cold resistance.  

Natural Weapons

Due to their elongated fang-like teeth, the bakali are always considered armed. They deal 1d4 lethal piercing damage with unarmed strikes. The attack does not count as archaic. Bakali gain a special version of the Weapon Specialization feat with this unarmed strike at 3rd level, allowing them to add 1-1/2 x their character level to their damage rolls for this unarmed strike (instead of just adding their character level, as usual).  


Bakali have a +2 racial bonus to Mysticism skill checks.  

Alternate Ability Adjustments

Due to their short lives and quick reproduction, the bakali are prone to mutations and adaptations within their species which always change the coloration of their eyes, and they grant the listed adjustments instead of the standard adjustments of +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.  


Bakali will occasionally bear entirely black eyes, looking as though they were orbs of empty space itself. These bakali tend to be incredibly resilient and hardy. These bakali have ability adjustments of +2 Constitution.  


Green-eyed bakali have a calm demeanor and introspective outlook on the galaxy, though are physically weak. These bakali have ability adjustments of +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength.  


Bakali have been noted to rarely have red eyes rather than their standard bright blue eyes and for unknown reasons, these bakali always seemed to have a much higher standard of etiquette and personal skills than their more savage brethren, though seem to tire quickly. These bakali have ability adjustments of +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution.  


Bakali who bear white eyes have been noted to have increased intellect and interpersonal skills, but tend to be somewhat less agile than their cousins. These bakali have ability adjustments of +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity.  


Some bakali have developed bright yellow eyes and traits that cause their muscles to bulk up to extreme sizes and strength. Such bakali have ability adjustments of +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.  

Alternate Racial Traits

Many bakali have minor changes to their genomes, or different cultural upraisings, that cause them to manifest different sorts of powers compared to the norm of their races. These differences are listed below.  


Bakali who live offworld often stop caring as much about their deities, or have simply forgotten them as they focused their efforts elsewhere. Such bakali have a +1 racial bonus to two skills of their choice.   This replaces Pious.  

Shimmer Eyes

Some rare balaki are able to manifest magical powers through their odd eyes and gain the spells listed below as spell-like abilities. The caster level for these effects is equal to the balaki’s character level.   1/day — carnivorous   At will — daze, detect magic   This replaces Darkvision and Pious.  


Some bakali prefer to live underground, digging through the earth to avoid the frigid landscape above. Such bakali have a burrow speed of 15 feet, and can leave a tunnel if they move at half speed.   This replaces Bakali Movement.  

Elemental Resistance

Bakali are able to easily adapt to numerous locales, including those with powerful elemental forces. Such bakali have resistance 5 to one damage type of their choice between electricity and fire, which stacks with one other source of resistance to that damage type. This choice cannot be changed later.   This replaces Cold Resistance.  

Limited Telepathy

Bakali who live in locations where they have less need to expend much energy just to survive tend to develop other ways to make their lives easier. Such bakali can communicate telepathically with any creatures within 30 feet with whom they share a language.   This replaces Cold Resistance.  


Very rare cases of bakali who took to worshipping their system’s sun have developed odd glowing eyes. Such bakali emit bright light in a 10-foot cone and is immune to the dazzled condition.   This replaces Darkvision.

Playing This Race

You Likely…
  • Seek a place where you can live in peace.
  • See larger races as dangerous or otherwise threatening, regardless of what they have done to you.
  • Misunderstand cultural differences and greetings.
  • Inherently fear those that could overpower you.
  Other Races Probably…
  • See you as a pest or something to get rid of.
  • Assume you’re simply a dull-witted savage creature.
  • Vastly underestimate your capability and speed.
  • Have difficulty understanding your need for freedom.

Physical Description

The bakali are small, round beings that very much appear to simply be a head with arms and legs protruding from them. Much of the creature’s body is taken up by their large mouth full of oversized fang-like teeth. Placed only slightly above the mouth are a pair of large bright blue eyes, bearing no pupil nor sclera. The body of the creature is coated is a coarse brown fur which is more sparse upon the black-skinned arms and legs which each end in sharp pointed digits. The hands each bear four fingers and a thung, while the feet have two digits protruding from both the front and back of the foot, much like a bird of prey’s talons. Due to the sheer size of the creature’s teeth, they often have a difficult time closing their mouth fully and so tend to simply let it hand open.  

Home World

The bakali are native to the smallest of the Elarian moons, Bakal. This world is made up of rough, rocky slopes and mountains coated in a thick layer of snow and ice. They seem to be the only sentient race that has arisen on the harsh winter wasteland and work as an apex predator across the landscape, using their shape and size to ambush the native wildlife. They wrap their arms and legs around inward and roll at high speeds down mountains, launching themselves up and at their prey.  

Society and Alignment

The society of the bakali is an odd one to most people. It is poorly organized and each individual bakali is responsible for themselves and nobody else. While they tend to respect each other and not fight amongst themselves, nothing on their world explicity prohibts them from doing so. Most bakali are neutral with chaotic tendencies, and lean toward neutral morality.  


Bakali rarely interact with offworlders, a fact that they are happy to keep true. Many are worried or put off by their odd and sometimes menacing appearance and immediately leave, which the bakali accept and happily go back to their rituals and hunting. The few times the bakali do have extended interactions with other races, they tend to get along well enough so long as those races do not try to restrict them to acting in any certain way.  


Bakali adventurers are a rare sight, though some do seek to leave their world in order to search out a better or easier life. These people tend to develop a more orderly outlook, albeit almost never quite to the extent of normally lawful societies such as the vesk or strahki. They favor classes that can make the most use of their high speed or perceptive outlook such as the operative or mystic. Some learn more about technology than much of their race and often do well as mechanics or technomancers. Their difficulty relating to others makes them a generally poor fit for envoys, though some seek out this path specifically to help them improve in this area.  


Bakali tend to name themselves, being given no name by their parents. They do this based on things they see in nature that appeal to them, with a majority of them being based on animals. On their own world, this includes things such as Atari, Nomunar, or Tesko. On other worlds, they tend to go with native animals to those worlds. Other bakali prefer plants or even traits of the area they live in, such as the names of plants, trees, or temperature. Bakali never name themselves after snow or the sun, seeing those as holy things.  

Vital Stats

Average Height 2-2-1/2 ft.
Average Weight 40-50 lbs.
Age of Maturity 3 years
Maximum Age 25 + 2d8 years


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