
Ability Modifiers +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity
Hit Points 7

Size and Type

Ceridians are Medium oozes with the plantlike subtype, but they do not gain the normal ooze immunities, are not mindless, and can gain and use skills normally.  

Ceridian Movement

Ceridians have a base speed of 10 feet and a supernatural fly speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability.  


Ceridians seek out new life, learing all they can about them, giving them a +2 species bonus to Culture and Life Science checks. Additionally, they can use their limited telepathy to communicate with non-mindless creatures of the ooze type without sharing a common language.  

Limited Species Benefits

For effects targeting creatures by type, ceridians count as both oozes and plants. They receive a +2 species bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects unless the effect specifies it’s effective against plants, a +2 species bonus on saving throws against illusion and polymorph unless the effect specifies it’s effective against oozes, and a +2 species bonus on saving throws against paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning unless the effect specifies it’s effective against either oozes or plants.  

Limited Telepathy

Ceridians can communicate telepathically with any creature within 30 feet with whom they share a language.  

Multiarmed (3)

The creature has the number of arms listed. This allows it to wield and hold up to that many hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. While this increases the number of items it can have at the ready, it doesn’t increase the number of attacks it can make during combat.  

Senses and Speech

A ceridian has blindsight (life) with a range of 30 feet, and has low-light vision. The ceridian can’t speak and can communicate only via telepathy.  

Alternate Ability Adjustments

As a mixture of plants and oozes, the ceridians are highly adaptable and often develop different strengths and weaknesses, represented as different ability adjustments from the normal +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity.  


While a majority of ceridian prefer to allow standard evolution and adaptation to progress, some believe the best way to sustain and further life is by relying on the divine above. Such ceridian have ability adjustments of +2 Wisdom.  

Alternate Racial Traits

Due to the constant desire to edit life, many ceridians end up developing different traits that change how they interact with the world.  

Enhanced Healing

Some ceridians have specialized bodies to make use of magical energy, allowing it to reknit itself in response to it much better. Whenever a spell or other magical effect such as a healing serum would cause such a ceridian to regain at least 2 hit points, the ceridian gains half again (+50%) more hit points from the effect.   This replaces Limited Species Benefits.

Playing This Race

You Likely…  
  • Enjoy meeting and learning about new species, especially if they share traits with you.
  • See other beings as a chance for discovery, and sometimes forget they are also living beings.
  • Have difficulty relating to emotional ties to anything or anyone.
  • Believe your split heritage of plants and oozes makes you superior to other beings due to your strong constitution.
Other Races Probably…  
  • See you as an oddity, or believe you to be as mindless as other oozes and plants.
  • Find your acidic biology to be intimidating or otherwise dangerous to be around.
  • Believe your close study of them or others to be invasive.
  • Rely on your intellect and study to keep them informed both in and out of combat situations.

Physical Description

The ceridian are rotund and ovular shaped thin sacs of root-like webbing surrounding a bulbous bubbles of acidic liquid that contains their important organs and hundreds of hlowing yellow eye-like objects that allow them to see. Protruding from the bottom of the creature are four limbs, including three that can be easily manipulated as arms and one that is best described as a tail, ending in a large leaf-like object that, like the four on their ‘face’, allows the ceridians to sense winds and slowly absorb light to help energize their body. Sprouting from the front of the creature, a highly viscous white fluid seeps from the ooze over the webbing before hardening into a bone-like material, giving the creature some form.  

Home World

The ceridian are native to the second largest of the Elarian moons, Cerdox. This moon is made up of primarily deep lush jungles, though bears a large grassland and ocean as well. The entire planet is extremely humid and has a slightly acidic atmosphere, though not enough to harm living creatures or plants. However, it does promote adaptations that would benefit from the air, such as numerous types of oozes, including the ceridians.  

Society and Alignment

The ceridians enjoy conducting and sharing their research with each other, giving them a reason to return to their home world at all. They greatly respect each other and any others who would share their interests, prying for more information on those topics at any chance. Most ceridians are morally good, seeking out ways to improve life for all, though few care for strict laws, whether following or going against them, and thus tend to be ethically neutral.  


Ceridian interact with others as often as they can, though have little to no interest in constructs and undead creatures. They seek to learn as much as they can about those they interact with, ranging from seemingly mundane things such as diet and methods of eating, drinking, and breathing all the way up to more unique things such as the number and location of vital organs. This does put some creatures off, as it can come across as the ceridian treating them more as a test subject than a person, but typically the ceridian will try to make it clear that is not their intent.  


Ceridian are common as adventurers as it is one of the professions that easily enable them to leave their home world for long periods of time and meet many new peoples. They favor classes that mathe most of their powerful constitution and high intellect, and they particularly favor the path of the Biohacker and Vanguard. They tend to dislike Nanocytes and Technomancers due to their inherent reliance on technology, though some ceridian technomancers specializing with biotech have been found.  


Ceridian enjoy collecting names, often taking a new one from each new species they meet, though not from each new member of that species. Once they get a new name from an individual of a species, they will, from then on, use that name whenever interacting with a member of that species. These names are typically the same sorts of names as those of the target species, such as a ceridian being named Ksk by an ilikthar, Xar’tali by a loanbulara, and Norar by a siasi. Among their own people, they often go by the name of their research title until they are given a name, and then choose their favorite of their names to keep.  

Vital Stats

Average Height 7-8 ft.   Average Weight 900-1100 lbs.   Age of Maturity 50 years   Maximum Age 600 + 4d% years


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