
Ability Modifiers +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha
Hit Points 6

Size and Type

Delerani are Medium humanoids with the Delarani subtype.

Exceptional Vision

Delarani have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet and Low-Light Vision.

Natural Armor

Delarani have patches of mineralized armor on their skin, which grants them a +1 natural armor bonus to their AC.

Powerful Lungs

Delarani have highly efficient lungs capable of filtering out harmful substances. They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, poison, and effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion.

Dustproof Eyes

Delarani have nictitating membranes to protect their eyes from dust and debris. They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against effects that would blind or dazzle them.

Alternate Ability Adjustments

Some Delarani defy the norms for their species. These Delarani have ability score adjustments they use instead of the standard adjustments of +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and -2 Charisma.


Some delerani are more capable of crafting and making trinkets and jewelry from the fine materials of their home world. Craftsman delerani have ability adjustments of +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.


Those delerani who leave their world often learn to be far more open and kindly to others. Offworlder delerani have ability adjustments of +2 Constitution.

Alternate Racial Traits

Most Delerani have the standard Delarani racial traits detailed above, but individuals might have unique abilities, represented by the following alternate racial traits.

Mineral Sense

Some Delerani have an innate ability to sense nearby minerals. They gain Blindsense (minerals) with a range of 30 feet.   This replaces exceptional vision.

Obsidian Skin

Delerani from the obsidian fields have developed a resistance to heat. They gain fire resistance 5. This can stack with one other source of fire resistance.   This replaces natural armor.

Crystal Skin

Delerani from the crystal highlands have an increased resistance to mystical forces. They gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against spells.   This replaces natural armor.

Natural Weapons (P)

Some delerani develop natural weaponry made from the minerals on their bodies, such as jagged crystals extending from their fists or feet.   This replaces natural armor.

Sturdy Legs

Delerani with particularly thick legs are more stable. They gain a +2 racial bonus to their KAC against combat maneuvers to trip or bull rush them.   This replaces powerful lungs.

Playing This Race

You Likely…
  • Take pride in your physical strength and endurance, often engaging in activities that showcase your resilience.
  • Have a deep connection to the mineral-rich environment of your home world, possibly working in mining or crafting.
  • Possess a strong sense of community and cooperation, valuing teamwork and mutual support.
  • Adapt well to harsh environments, using your natural abilities to thrive where others might struggle.
  Other Races Probably...
  • Admire your impressive physical capabilities and often seek your assistance in tasks requiring great strength or endurance.
  • Are fascinated by the natural mineral armor that grows on your skin, viewing it as both a unique trait and a valuable resource.
  • Consider you a reliable and steadfast ally, appreciating your loyalty and communal spirit.
  • May find your home world intimidating due to its high gravity and rugged terrain, but respect your ability to thrive in such conditions.

Physical Description

Delerani are towering, muscular beings with robust physiques supported by thick, stump-like legs and their broad barrel-chested torsos house powerful lungs adapted to the planet's thick atmosphere. Their thick skin is though and typically gray-brown in color, with those from the sulfur plains exhibiting a yellowish tinge. Patches of mineralized armor, featuring deposits of sulfur, obsidian, and purple crystals, grow naturally on their skin, providing additional protection. Their eyes, equipped with nictitating membranes, are large and adapted to low light conditions, ensuring clear vision even in dusty environments.

Home World

Delera, the third planet from the sun in the Origin System, is a large, rocky world dominated by mountainous terrain and rich mineral deposits. The planet's high gravity and thick atmosphere pose significant challenges, but the Delerani have adapted remarkably well to these conditions. The planet's lack of moons and its 21-day-long days and nights create unique environmental patterns that have shaped the Delarani's way of life.

Society and Alignment

Delerani society is built on the principles of cooperation and mutual support. Communities are tightly knit, often centered around mining operations and crafting workshops. The Delerani value hard work, resilience, and ingenuity, and their culture reflects a deep respect for the land and its resources. They tend towards lawful alignments, valuing order and stability, but their strong sense of community and loyalty can also foster good alignments.


The Delerani maintain positive relations with other races, particularly those who appreciate their strengths and contributions. They are respected allies, known for their reliability and industrious nature. However, their home world's harsh conditions can be off-putting to some, leading to a mix of admiration and wariness from other races. The Delerani are generally open to trade and collaboration, especially when it comes to sharing their expertise in mining and crafting.


Delerani adventurers are often driven by a desire to explore new environments and test their resilience. They excel in physically demanding roles and are valued for their strength and durability. Many Delerani adventurers take up careers as soldiers, mercenaries, or explorers, using their natural abilities to great effect. Their adaptability and resourcefulness make them versatile and dependable members of any adventuring party.


Delerani names often reflect their connection to the earth and their strong, resilient nature. Examples of male names include Tharn, Borak, and Keldor while female names include Thara, Korin, and Braska. The Delerana take surnames related to ancient clans such as Stonefist, Ironclad, or Crystalbloom.

Vital Stats

Average Height 7-8 feet
Average Weight 400-750 lbs.
Age of Maturity 20 years
Maximum Age 100 + 4d20 years


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