
Source: Interstellar Species
Ability Modifiers +4 Str, -2 Dex
Hit Points 6

Size and Type

Dragonkin are Large dragons with a space and reach of 10 feet.

Breath Weapon

As a standard action, a dragonkin can breathe a 30-foot cone of flame that deals 1d6 fire damage. At 3rd level, a dragonkin adds 1-1/2 × his character level to the damage. A creature in the cone can attempt a Reflex save for half damage (DC = 10 + half the dragonkin’s character level + his Constitution modifier). A dragonkin can’t use this ability again until he has taken a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.

Draconic Immunities

Dragonkin are immune to sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against effects that cause paralysis.

Draconic Vision

Dragonkin gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet and low-light vision, meaning they can see in dim light as if it were normal light.


A dragonkin gains an extraordinary flight speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability. Until a dragonkin is 5th level, he must end his movement on the ground at the end of each turn or fall.

Partner Bond

A dragonkin can form a permanent bond with one willing non-dragonkin creature. Once this bond is made, a dragonkin cannot form another partner bond unless its current partner dies. A dragonkin and its partner can communicate with each other as if they both had telepathy with a range of 100 feet. In combat, when a dragonkin is within 30 feet of its partner, both creatures roll initiative checks separately and treat the higher result as the result for both of them.  

Alternate Racial Traits

Like any species, dragonkin have traveled far from their native Triaxus and can be found everywhere across the galaxy. Through genetic manipulation, magic, and technology, modern dragonkin often choose to modify their bodies. These changes might be reflected in body type, scale color, or the plumes of energy released by their natural breath weapons.   Their innate characteristics are just as variable as their cultures and beliefs. Some dragonkin tower to great heights while others are small by comparison. Some are completely wingless, while others display unusual scale colors that match their temperaments and the energy unleashed by their breath weapons. The following options are appropriate for dragonkin PCs but might be available to other characters at the GM's discretion.

Compact Form

Some dragonkin genetically modify themselves to have smaller, wingless bodies capable of maneuvering through narrow starship corridors. You gain the Tight Fit feat.   This replaces flight.

Variant Breath Weapon

At character creation, choose one of the following damage types: acid, bludgeoning, cold, electricity, fire, piercing, slashing, or sonic. Your breath weapon always deals that type of damage.   This modifies Breath Weapon.
Dragonkin are native to the sixth planet in the Pact World system, Triaxus, a tumultuous world of grueling seasons and dangerous environs. Most live bonded to a non-dragonkin partner, using a traditional ritual that creates nigh-unbreakable personal ties that last a lifetime. This connection manifests as reciprocal telepathy, complimentary movements, and other tactical advantages. With the ability to fly and breathe a cone of energy, dragonkin can be quite intimidating to their enemies. Allies know them to be fiercely loyal, empathetic, and adaptable. Like their true dragon cousins, they have the strength and intelligence to face nearly any task, and dragonkin enjoy a variety of occupations throughout the Pact Worlds.  

Physical Description

While dragonkin are smaller than true dragons, they tower over most humanoids. When standing on two legs, their heights range from 8 to 20 feet. Some dragonkin tinker with their own genetics to achieve a compact size, while others take pride in their formidable statures. Terrestrial dragonkin tend to be larger and have wings, while spacefaring dragonkin often prefer to modify their bodies to be smaller, leaner, and sometimes wingless.   Though dragonkin have four muscular limbs, they’re bipedal, with their strong tails providing stabilization. Dragonkin can learn to maintain their posture if they lose or have underdeveloped tails, and some choose to utilize prosthetics or wheelchairs as mobility aids or to embrace quadrupedal mobility with or without the assistance of such devices. It’s considered stylish for dragonkin to paint their claws and horns with various colors and patterns. Holographic polish is quite common among fans of Ning’s battleflowers, who proclaim their allegiance to favorite fighters by choosing flashy colors to match the gladiators’ costume choices.   The hues of a dragonkin’s scales naturally occur in a spectrum of colors. Scale color has nothing to do with a dragonkin’s alignment or ancestry, though some unusual colors tend to appear in certain families without a known explanation. While most dragonkin are monochromatic, it isn’t uncommon for their scales to display two or three tones, most often in a gradient or speckled pattern.   Spanning the spectrum of genders, dragonkin are best identified by asking them. Dragonkin don’t have sexual morphism, and their personal gender identity most impacts their physical presentation. In all things, the majority of dragonkin eagerly embrace magic and science to modify their bodies to suit individual preferences.

Home World

Hailing from the Pact Worlds system, dragonkin can be found in the highest concentration on Triaxus, where they’ve lived alongside ryphorians and dragons for eons. Triaxus has an exaggerated elliptical orbit that causes very long winters and summers as well as a volcanically active surface.   Dragonkin live everywhere on Triaxus, from the frozen reaches of the Encroach Glacier to the southwestern merchant-empire of Ning. The largest population can be found in the Allied Territories living alongside partners and neighbors of many species, though a significant population also exists in the Drakelands, where many dragonkin still work for true dragons inside their complex corporate structures.   In the distant past, dragons devised a way to create a different type of offspring, one that could forge inroads into humanoid societies or serve as proxies and pawns. Using strange magic and enduring willpower, they created dragonkin to fulfill this purpose. The original dragonkin were sometimes a product of intense love for an individual humanoid or their community, though sadly, many were born to act as vectors for an evil dragon’s short-term plans. Generations of dragonkin reproduced, both with one another and with other humanoids, and today the species is entirely disconnected from any living dragons.   As part of their magical heritage, dragonkin always have had the ability to form a bond with a single creature, granting shared senses and telepathy. The bond itself isn’t truly magical in nature but is a sacred connection with both physical and metaphysical components. The first generation of dragonkin almost exclusively bonded with their dragon creators, but quickly they realized their ability to share their gift with friends and lovers of other species. They found that ryphorians, who were also native to Triaxus and commonly enslaved and exploited by the ruling dragons, were very receptive to their bond. Together, dragonkins and ryphorians forged connections and fought to free their peoples from the iron claws of tyrants.   The first bonded pairs founded the Skyfire Mandate, based on the land bridge spanning the Drakelands and Allied Territories. The force that protected this new nation then and now is the Skyfire Legion. Once fighters for independence, today the Legion is a mercenary group who generally prefer to fight tyranny, bolster political underdogs, save refugees, and take on missions that fit with their organization’s code. Many generations ago, the pairs went into battle with the ryphorian partner as dragonrider, but today most prefer to swap out this archaic practice for a co-pilot dynamic.

Society and Alignment

The core of dragonkin society revolves around the partner bond they form with humanoids, most commonly ryphorians. Everything from architecture and infrastructure to media reflects the importance of the bond. While a majority of dragonkin bond to a partner in their lifetime, not all do. As a conscious choice made by both parties to form this bond is necessary, those who decide to remain bondless face scrutiny from more conservative community members; however, a majority of dragonkin are supportive of this choice. Bondless dragonkin live fully integrated into their local society, with traditionalist Aylok dragonkin being the largest exception to tolerance. Outside of Aylok, bondless dragonkin are just as likely to be supported as a similar bonded candidate.   Dragonkin who don’t bond during their lifetime might still find mates and create families, or not, and work in vocational fields with just as much success. Whether or not these dragonkin form romantic relationships, they still typically prefer communal homes with roommates, as complete solitude is atypical for dragonkin. For those who haven’t yet formed a partner bond but one day wish to do so, bondless meet-ups on the infosphere and in most communities can help. A yet-unbonded dragonkin who enlists in the Skyfire Legion has plentiful chances to meet potential partners in training, recruit mixers, and assigned partner trials.   Bonds are unique to individual pairs and often deeply personal. Though most bonded partnerships aren’t romantic, the bond is roughly equivalent to marriage in many cultures, granting legal rights and responsibilities and insuring a mutual living situation. Some bonds result from adolescent friendships, with a duo choosing to formalize their bond soon after reaching maturity. A few communities practice arranged bonds, meaning a dragonkin might not meet a potential partner until shortly before they bond. The Skyfire Legion facilitates such arrangements for cadets who desire it. Even in such cases, both parties must wholeheartedly agree to form a bond, and attempts to force two individuals to enter an arrangement always fails. Bonding with blood relatives is rare but does sometimes occur, usually between cousins or siblings of similar ages. Most dragonkin only have one bonded partner during their lifetimes, but thanks to their longer lifespans, more than half of their lives can be spent bondless. If their partner dies, a dragonkin might decide to form a relationship with another partner, but a substantial number choose not to. From grief to family structures grown larger and more intricate with age, there are many reasons to abstain from subsequent partner bonds. As partner bonds are largely aromantic, dragonkin and their humanoid partners forming romantic relationships outside of the pair impacts day-to-day living.   While a dragonkin partner bond is exclusive to two individuals, the partners can choose to have as many romantic partners as they would like, if any, but all of them must respect the connection between the bonded pair, as the mystical effects of the bond make both partners each half of one whole, moving in synchronicity and often needing one another’s presence to remain healthy and happy. Effective communication is a necessity within dragonkins’ created communities. Majoritarian systems are common in the daily life of many dragonkin. The blend of relationships, and the size of dragonkin, have led to larger-scale housing requirements. Most dragonkin live in small apartment complexes or suites with their extended family, or in networks with multiple families. Bondless dragonkin and other outlying community members are often invited to live in neighboring flats, allowing them easy access to community. Courtyards and rooftop spaces are built to accommodate group meals, games, and recreational activities that can be enjoyed together. Large families make for rowdy gatherings, and whole neighborhoods sometimes come together to celebrate occasions such as birthdays, bondings, and weddings. Traveling to the neighboring mountains to enjoy outdoor activities, especially winter sports, is common. Along the coast, beachside bonfires beneath the full moon range from intimate affairs (with less than 10 individuals in attendance) to raucous carnivals where hundreds gather for games, rides, fried foods, and fortune telling.   Dragonkin know that moonlight causes luminescent reflections in their scales that are considered quite attractive, and many find new romantic partners or flings at these gatherings. For young dragonkin approaching the age of maturity, invitations to full moon parties are highly coveted. Dressed to impress with scales polished to a sheen, youthful dragonkin flit from one party to the next, seeking new friends and love connections. A dragonkin in love might take their date to the thermal springs or to enjoy holographic movies. It’s normal for romantic partners to meet one another’s family very early in a relationship.

Bonding Ritual

Dragonkin reach maturity at different rates, but the average age is around 25 years old. Traditionally, a party is planned by the second-oldest member of the family. In addition to their household’s members, extended family and close friends are invited. Some Quarter Day parties are treated as festivals, shutting down city blocks to make room for pavilions, live music, refreshments, and hundreds of guests. For larger events, the price of entry is free, but bringing a small gift or good wishes is customary. Today, it’s considered trendy to opt out of formal parties in favor of spending time with one’s own social circle. A dragonkin choosing a more modern celebration might take a trip to mountain distilleries, enjoy a spa day at a hot springs-fed sauna, or seek the thrills of virtual reality arcade games and holovids. No matter what form these parties take, many Quarter Day parties end the same way. Dragonkin remove the largest scale of their mature hide, which often comes from a spot near their shoulder blades—historically the place a rider might lean into for balance or to fit a saddle.   Removing the scale leaves a small vulnerable spot on the dragonkin’s hide, which their bonded partner will be trusted to protect. If a dragonkin has already chosen a bonded partner, this scale is used in the ritual to bind them together for a lifetime. If not, the dragonkin places their scale in a box for safekeeping, perfectly preserved until they find the right partner. The empty space on the dragonkin’s hide appears dull, and is a subtle reminder to all that they’re yet incomplete. Today, younger generations of dragonkin sometimes forego this practice, preferring to remain intact until they’re ready to think about choosing a partner. Since some dragonkin never bond, they might never remove the scale, or they might keep it preserved forever, a monument to their self-possession and solitude.   Before any binding ritual can take place, dragonkin treat their removed scale with a mixture of herbs and mountain spring water. The process petrifies the scale, turning it opalescent and hard as a gemstone. This new scale is called dolek (pronounced doe-wek). Once an individual finds a suitable partner, and both parties agree to form the bond, the dragonkin chooses or crafts a piece of jewelry to set their dolek into. Partners sometimes discuss the jewelry beforehand, while others enjoy the element of surprise. Most commonly doleks are set into necklaces, rings, bracelets, and brooches, but can be made into earrings or various other body jewelry dependent upon the humanoid partner’s culture and preference. A few partners choose a more extreme display of devotion by having the dolek surgically embedded into their own skin in a place of high visibility, such as a hand or forehead.   Bonding rituals are another chance to celebrate family and community in a dragonkin’s life. Always held outside, with whichever family and friends the partners wish to include, bonding rituals are one of the most sacred ceremonies in their culture. Weapons can’t be carried into the sacred space of a bonding ritual, though historically armed guards form a wide perimeter around the festivities. Talk of business and politics are strictly forbidden, and any unbonded dragonkin in attendance who has already created a dolek but hasn’t yet given it to their partner must cover the indentation left by the missing scale with clothing.   Each individual pair creates their own bonding ritual, often writing partner vows or performing a dance or musical duet together. Sometimes the partners’ friends prepare a performance or speeches, but always with the seriousness of the occasion in mind. Practical jokes and other shenanigans are frowned upon. Sometimes a priest leads the ritual; this practitioner can be of any faith. A respected community member might preside over the ceremony, or the new pair might buck tradition entirely and direct their own bonding. At the end, the two partners always exchange gifts. Along with their dolek, the dragonkin presents a piece of art they created for their partner, like poetry, paintings, musical compositions, or any other form of art. The dragonkin’s partner always chooses or crafts jewelry, symbolizing the saddle Skyfire Legion dragonriders once used in battle. This jewelry also varies based on personal taste and finances, but gifting an actual saddle is extremely rare and considered outdated by dragonkin culture at large. After the presentation, the ritual is all but complete as the partners seal the strength of their bond. Immediately at the conclusion of the ritual, the dragonkin partner initiates the telepathic link, communicating a phrase only uttered at the beginning of this type of companionship and kept secret to all individuals that aren’t part of a matched pair. For a dragonkin whose partner dies but who later chooses to form a second bond, the second ritual is nearly the same as the first. A second scale must be removed from their body and transformed into a dolek. Most often, a dragonkin with a deceased partner takes the scale from a symmetrical location on the other side of their body. Dragonkin and their partners keep the others’ gifts for life, even if one passes on and they form a new bond. Customarily, all dragonkin’s partners are buried with their dolek when they die. Triaxians know the importance of burying or burning doleks with the dead. A dolek being lost or separated from the dead is cause for grief. Expeditions to recover the relics of dead partners are common subjects of literary tragedies.


Dragonkin naming conventions are influenced by the humanoid cultures that they bond with, often naming children after bonded partners or ancestors. Sometimes these names are modified by hardening the consonants. Dragonkin and ryphorians share some common names. Dragonkin names typically have 2-4 syllables, begin with consonants, and duplicate letters.

Sample Names

Some sample dragonkin names include Gavvixen, Sozrynn, Estrikkon, Dragattsuu, Raskkurenn, Kaaviztzel, Xazzyrra, Tyykendrin, Dyssydanth, Selrikk, Axiennex, and Jittsuuhnix.

Vital Stats

Average Height 8–20 ft.   Average Weight 500–2,500 lbs.   Age of Maturity 25 years   Maximum Age 100+d% years


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