
Many of Desna’s followers honor their goddess in her aspect as Lady Luck and purveyor of fortunes, auspicious and otherwise. Throughout the Pact Worlds and elsewhere, gamblers frequent casinos, bars, and other gathering spaces where they can test the whims of fate. Some gamblers are true believers; others are superstitious only until their luck runs out. Thrill-seeking gamblers might eventually abandon their casino games to wager with life and death, enjoying the excitement of leaving dangerous, high-stakes situations to chance. For her part, Desna smiles on those who honor her—most of the time.

Theme Knowledge (1st Level)

You’re an expert card shark, a canny mathematician, or a thrill-seeker attracted to high-stakes wagers. Maybe you’re some combination of all three. When attempting a Culture or Profession check to recall knowledge about games of chance, casinos, or famous gamblers, reduce the DC by 5. In addition, either Bluff (for Charisma or Intelligence) or Sense Motive (for Wisdom) is a class skill for you, though if the relevant skill is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to your Bluff or Sense Motive checks. Likewise, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to either Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom at character creation, depending in which ability is most relevant to your area of interest.

Poker Face (6th Level)

You know how to read people and suss out their intentions. Consequently, concealing your own motives comes easily for you. You can attempt a Bluff check to lie or create a diversion, or a Sense Motive check to detect deception, as a swift action. Additionally, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to retry a failed Bluff or Sense Motive check with a circumstance bonus equal to half your character level.

Up The Ante (12th Level)

You come alive when the stakes are highest. Any creature that was fooled by your diversion or believes a lie you told as a result of a successful Bluff check, or whose intentions you’re aware of thanks to a successful Sense Motive check, is caught off guard by your bold tactics. The creature is flat-footed until the end of your next turn.

One More Round (18th Level)

One More Round You’ve experienced highs and lows at the table, but you know that there’s always another round. Twice per day, after you spend at least 1 minute playing a game of chance and you succeed at a DC 30 Bluff, Sense Motive, or Profession (gambler) check, you regain 1 Resolve Point.


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