
Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Ability Modifiers +2 Con, +2 Dex, -2 Cha
Hit Points 8

Size and Type

Ichtlin are Medium humanoids with the ichtlin subtype.


Ichtlin exoskeletons are tough and resistant to blows, granting Ichtlin a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude saves.


Ichtlin have four arms, which allows them to wield and hold up to four hands' worth of weapons and equipment. While their multiple arms increase the number of items they can have at the ready, it doesn't increase the number of attacks they can make during combat.

Ichtlin Mobility

Ichtlin have a land speed of 30 feet and an extraordinary fly speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability.

Naturally Telepathic

Ichtlin can communicate telepathically with any creatures within 60 feet with whom they share a language and that are part of their tribe or hive. An Ichtlin can have up to 5 other individuals in its tribe and must perform a 1 hour ceremony with each of them wherein they consume parts of each other's flesh to bond with each other. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speak.

Sunlight Sensitivity

Ichtlin have a powerful aversion to natural sunlight. They take a -3 racial penalty to attack rolls and any Perception check made while they or their target are in direct sunlight. This penalty is instead a -2 while not on a planet.

Superior Darkvision

Ichtlin have Darkvision to a range of 120 feet.
Ichtlin are strange, multi-armed insectoid creatures from deep in the bowels of Elaris.

Physical Description

The Ichtlin are an impressively tall people, standing over 6 and a half feet tall on average with a touch chitinous exoskeleton. They possess a smaller pair of arms under their primary arms and have several small, often blue, eyes and a large pair of mandibles. Many possess horn-like protrusions coming off the tops of their heads as well as along the back of their arms and digitigrade legs. They have a large thorax that resembles a tail and two impressive pairs of thin insectile wings.

Home World

The Ichtlin originally hail from deep underneath the surface of Elaris, but due to their powerful society and hivemind intelligence, were one of the first races to ascend to the stars.

Society and Alignment

The Ichtlin are generally distrusted by other races due to their appearance, but they have been found to make a very powerful ally when they are trusted and trusting. The Ichtlin are primarily neutral, caring for their own people and their expansion, but holding firmly to any pacts they have made.


The Ichtlin have a hard time getting along with the elves as their personalities clash, and the elf's history of war on the Ichtlin has not settled easily.


Many Ichtlin become adventurers, setting out among the stars to seek out new worlds or sights. They will bring much of the information back to their hive to spread the word of it and potentially plan colonization of unclaimed planets.


The Ichtlin have names that are often difficult to pronounce for other races due to their language including clicks and many hard sounds. Typical Ichtlin names include Krr'ik, Nrms'sk, T'katchk, Chak-Chka, Khit'kal-Chkit, T'k-t'k, and Kliktn'k


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