
Source: Other Homebrew
Ability Modifiers +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con
Hit Points 4

Size and Type

Ilikthar are Medium aberrations with the ilikthar subtype.

Blood Drinker

Ilikthar subsist solely on blood, and cannot digest other substances. The cost of food suited for an ilikthar is increased by 10% (minimum 1 credit).

Ilikthar Senses

An ilikthar has Blindsense (vibration) 30 ft., and Darkvision 60 ft.

Natural Weapons (P)

Ilikthar have natural weapons do to their elongated thumbs and big toes. They can deal 1d3 lethal piercing damage with unarmed strikes and the attack doesn't count as archaic. Ilikthar gain a unique weapon specialization with their natural weapons at 3rd level, allowing them to add 1-1/2x their character level to their damage rolls for their natural weapons (instead of just adding their character level, as usual).

Stilt Walker

Due to the elongated digits that hold them above the ground, an ilikthar has a +4 bonus on Reflex saves to avoid ground-based hazards. In addition, an ilithkar is unaffected by rocky difficult terrain.


Ilikthar can be affected by effects or spells that normally target only humanoids, but receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against such effects. Ilikthar are still only able to consume blood and cannot eat or drink normal items.

Physical Description

Descended from a species of blood-drinking space vermin, the ilikthar were mutated by their exposure to the ichors of Sorik'Va, transforming them into spindly insectile humanoids with elongated fifth digits which hold them aloft like stilts.

Home World

Ilikthar descend from Sorik'Va, a lost planet in space whose only heat is from its beating heart of a core.

Society and Alignment

Ilikthar society revolved around generosity, as their primary food source, the blood of Sorik'Va's local fauna, is so poor in nutrition that missing a single meal can mean starvation unless a fellow ilikthar can deliver enough blood to keep them alive. While this problem has largely been solved in recent years by the importing of livestock from other worlds, the importance of selflessness is still central to the ilikthar's worldview. Despite some popular negative stereotypes, even evil ilikthar find the drinking of the blood of sentient creatures to be an abomination.


Ilikthar society is largely communal, with most settlements consisting of large extended family groups. Their naturally helpful instincts allow for a mostly anarchist system of government, with important issues debated in large democratic meetings consisting of the entirety of a settlement's adult population. While this system may seem inefficient to outsiders, the ilikthar have a difficult time understanding any other form of government.


Ilikthar adventurers seek to aid other communities in numerous systems from facing a fate such as that of their species, always being one step away from death. They have a kind-hearted attitude, even to those who hate them for their appearance.


Ilikthar have somewhat harsh sounding names that can be difficult to pronounce, but they are typically very short. Normal names include K'rp, Ksk, Txc, Hrln, Nip, Njs, Pll, Ghrn, Lrp, and Glp


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