
Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Ability Modifiers +4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Hit Points 4

Size and Type

Loanbulara are Large aberrations. They take up a space and have a reach of 10 feet.

Beating Heart

Once per day, the loanbulara can cause its entire body to begin pulsating a rhythmic noise that causes all within 30 feet of them to begin feeling unwell. This functions as per the alien presence supernatural universal monster rule, inflicting the sickened condition for 1d6 rounds per 5 levels of the loanbulara (minimum of 1 round). The DC of this effect is equal to 10 + half the loanbulara’s level + the loanbulara’s Intelligence modifier.


Loanbulara have four manipulating limbs, which allow them to wield and hold up to four hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. While this increases the number of items it can have at the ready, it doesn’t increase the number of attacks it can make during combat. These limbs count as both arms and legs for the sakes of augmentation.  


Each loanbulara seeks perfection in all ways, and has an implanted biotech component with an item level no greater than half the loanbulara’s character level (minimum item level 1). Each time the loanbulara gains a level, they can swap out this piece of equipment at no additional cost to represent personal reconfigurations and flesh shaping. These pieces of equipment don’t count against the systems in which the loanbulara can install biotech augmentations.

Loanbulara Movement

Loanbulara have a base speed of 10 feet and a supernatural fly speed of 30 feet with average manueverability. While on a gas planet, this fly speed increases to 40 feet.

Loanbulara Senses

Loanbulara have darkvision and blindsense (electricity), both with a range of 60 feet.


Loanbulara have a +2 racial bonus to Medicine checks.  

Alternate Ability Adjustments

Through numerous generations of bodily experimentation and alteration, many different strains of their people. These are represented through different ability score adjustments instead of the standard adjustments of +4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, -2 Charisma.    


Evolver loanbulara seek a path that requires an extremely hardy body, even at the cost of their body’s other functions. Such loanbulara have ability adjustments of +4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. They often bear hard bony plates that have been adapted in order to defend the creatures.  

Alternate Racial Traits

The tinkering with their own bodies and genes have caused the loanbulara to develop numerous odd traits that may set them apart from their common folk.  


Some loanbulara have strong bony plates that have developed overtop their fleshy lair, giving them some defense against incoming harm. These loanbulara choose bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing and gain DR 5/the chosen damage type. This increases to DR 10 at 11th level, and stacks with one other source of damage reduction.   This replaces Life-Tinkerer.  
The floating loanbulara drift through the gaseous waves of Loanbula, pumping the heavy gases through their bodies and filtering out anything potentially nutritious to them.  

Physical Description

The loanbulara appear much like a massive heart with a protruding fleshy pillar coming from the top of it, being able to split open as the loanbulara’s jagged vertically-oriented mouth and capped with a mushroom-like head. On the head are the creature’s two primary eyes with two sets of secondary eyes to the sides of them, and fleshy protrusions that allow them to sense nearby electric currents. From the bulbous heart-like body of the loanbulara there are four bent protrusions that end in prehensile vein-like structures that allow the loanbulara to manipulate objects and very slowly carry themselves above the ground. Several large tube-like entrances into the loanbulara’s body allow the exchanging of gases with the environment.  

Home World

The gas giant world of Loanbula sits between Elaris and Wonelos in the Origin System. The world has a super-dense core in it made from odd gems that seem to gather the gases themselves into them. Three moons, as well as an orbital research outpost for those that cannoy fly, orbit the gas giant in a slow orbit.  

Society and Alignment

Loanbulara seek knowledge and bodily perfection above all else. Due to this, their society has little in the way of respect for the dead as they will happily cut one another’s corpses apart to experiment and study their bodies, constantly seeking ways to improve them. This science-structured society pushes their people toward a lawful outlook, while most tend to be selfish and thus morally evil, or at the least neutral.  


Loanbulara are peaceful with outsiders, especially those who are interested in the same sorts of things as them. Unfortunately for others, loanbulara’s disregard for the rites of the dead extends far beyond their own race and causes them great trouble when interacting with other races who would otherwise seek to bury or cremate their dead, which the loanbulara see as a waste of perfectly good research material.  


Loanbulara adventurers are surprisingly common, as the adventuring life allows them to head out into the world and seek out new research targets, whether willing or not. They often take up the role of the technomancer or biohacker, while the role of the evolutionist is also extremely common, albeit not especially well suited to their people outside of their interests. These adventurous loanbulara often seek out work amongst the Prime Eugenicists due to their shared interests.  


The loanbulara’s obsession with knowledge and biotech upgrades leads them to an interesting naming scheme. They refer to each other primarily using their title and role in society, then their true name and finally their number of augmentions or other bodily alterations. An example of this would be Grand Biologist Lifegrower Xar’tali, 10-times perfected.  

Vital Stats

Average Height 9-10 ft.   Average Weight 900-1,000 lbs.   Age of Maturity 32 years   Maximum Age 350 + 3d% years


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