
Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Ability Modifiers +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Dex
Hit Points 4

Size and Type

Manaraki are Large monstrous humanoids. They take up a space of 10 feet and have a reach of 5 feet.

Radiation Reliance

Manaraki are immune to the effects of low and medium radiation, and treat high radiation as medium radiation and severe radiation as high radiation. A manaraki cannot regain hit points or stamina points unless they are exposed to radiation of any sort.

Manaraki Movement

Manaraki have a movement speed of 40 feet, but take a -4 penalty to Athletics checks made to climb or swim, and they can only use 30 feet of movement while climbing or swimming.


A manaraki gains a +4 racial bonus to AC against combat maneuvers to bull rush, reposition, or trip.


Flanking the creature does not grant any bonuses, and abilities that function only against a creature that is flanked do not function against it.

Radioactive Affinity

Manaraki gain the following spell-like abilities. The caster level for these effects is equal to the manaraki’s level. A manaraki is always immune to the radiation caused by a manaraki’s irradiate spell-like ability. In addition, a manaraki using irradiate can choose to target only themselves with it. If they do, the duration becomes 10 minutes.   1/day – irradiate   At will – blightburn bolt  

Alternate Ability Adjustments


Fallout Manaraki are watchers of the future, seeking to determine the time natural nuclear fallouts will happen in order to prevent them from causing harm to creatures who cannot handle them. These manaraki are raised from birth with this goal in mind and taught well to keep up their duties even at the cost of their normal interpersonal interactions. A fallout manarak’s ability adjustments are +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.


A radrunner is the name given to the manaraki scouts – those that seek out new environments and planets to spread their ‘grace’ to. They are praised for their speed and keen senses, but their vast training has a detrimental effect on their health. A radrunner manaraki’s ability adjustments are +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution.


Some manaraki are supernaturally empowered by the radiation they find in their homeworld and in the galaxy itself. These manaraki are often taller than others of their species and much stronger, as well as typically having the radiation drinker alternate racial trait. A bulwark manaraki’s ability adjustments are +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence.

Alternate Racial Traits

Radiation Drinker

Manaraki who are more exposed to constant radiation occasionally adapt and gain the ability to take the radiation into them to nourish them far more than it does for other manaraki. Once per day, these manaraki are able to use a swift action while within an area of radiation or under the effects of the irradiate spell to regain stamina points equal to twice their level.   This replaces radioactive affinity.
Manaraki are six-legged, arsenic-based creatures with two arms and five eyes. They come from the radioactive planet of Manarak, a world in the Vast with a peculiar high-speed spinning pulsar sun. The planet itself is home to large concentrations of metals and vast radioactive fields permeate all layers of the world and its thick atmosphere. Manaraki live in large societies that dwell below the ground in mineral-rich caverns, ascending to the surface of the planet during the night. The manaraki are able to filter-feed off the radiation of the planet, as well as consuming large amounts of meat. The radiation is integral to their bodies and fuels their ability to produce body heat and to digest food. Because of this, all manaraki armor has uranium imbued into the lining to give them a constant source of radiation. The societies of the manaraki are much like that of other sentient creatures, and the people will farm the planet’s natural animals to obtain enough food for all of them on this plant-less world. The average manaraki is about 8-1/2 feet tall and weighs just under 1,500 pounds. The manaraki people follow a pseudo-religion surrounding their spinning sun and the radiation enveloping their world, believing it was divine choice that allowed them to live where all other beings would quickly die. Due to this, they have a very zealous society that believes only by fulfilling their purposes will their people be able to continue living, and that they are destined to spread their radioactivity to other worlds, letting them be taken by the sweet embrace or succumb to its harsh rays. Despite these beliefs though, the manaraki do not seek to bring harm to intelligent life. They spread radiation producers on planets with no sentient life to study its effects on plant-life as well as the animals that live there, and any who survive and adapt are seen as miracles from the heavens. The manaraki interact with other sentient creatures in a much more peaceful manner, treating them as equals in all ways until they are shown disrespect. Manaraki have a tough metallic scale-like exoskeleton covering their body and have hooves at the end of each of their legs made from the same material as the scales. Their body helps to block natural radiation from overpowering them, and even keeps them cool in the hottest of temperatures while remaining flexible due to the cartilaginous ‘skin’ that resides under and between the scales. The faces of the manaraki are often imposing to people meeting them for the first time due to the crown of eyes surrounding the top half of it that lets them see in almost a 360 degree field, but they have general peaceful motives. Manaraki can be found throughout the galaxy, spreading their ways to other planets and trading with other spacefarers with both goods and tales. Armor made by the manaraki for other beings is supernaturally resistant to radiation, and their natural talents make them excellent guides through radiation-rich systems. Most armor made by the manaraki for the manaraki imbues a thin lining of radioactive materials such as uranium into the armor, but blocks it from leaking outward. This lets the manaraki absorb the radiation for sustenance while sparing those around them from harm.


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