
You’re a shadow. You move swiftly, strike suddenly, and always have an escape plan. You’re a consummate professional, and you always get the job done, whether it’s scouting enemy lines, hunting down criminals, stealing and smuggling items, or assassinating key figures. As an operative, you’re skilled in a wide variety of disciplines and specialties, and use speed, mobility, and your quick wits rather than relying on heavy weapons. You excel at the art of surprise, whether it’s sniping targets from cover or striking while their backs are turned. Your cause may be righteous, but you have no problem fighting dirty—achieving your objective is all that matters.
Hit Points: 6
Stamina Points: 6

Key Ability Score - Dex

Your Dexterity helps you to infiltrate, get into position, escape danger, and make decisive shots with your weapon, so Dexterity is your key ability score. High Intelligence boosts your skills, and Charisma aids in your interactions with other characters.

Class Skills

The Operative's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Computers (Int), Culture (Int), Disguise (Cha), Engineering (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Medicine (Int), Perception (Wis), Piloting (Dex), Profession (Cha, Int, or Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis).   Skill Points at each Level: 8 + Int modifier.


Armor: Light armor   Weapons: Basic melee weapons, small arms, sniper weapons

Class Features

Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Operative's Edge +1, Specialization, Trick Attack +1d4
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Evasion, Operative Exploit
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Operative's Edge +2, Quick Movement (+10 ft.), Trick Attack +1d8, Weapon Specialization
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Debilitating Trick, Operative Exploit
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Specialization Exploit, Trick Attack +3d8
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Operative Exploit
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Operative's Edge +3, Specialization Skill Mastery, Trick Attack +d48, Uncanny Agility
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Operative Exploit, Triple Attack
9th +6 +3 +6 +6 Quick Movement (+20 ft.), Trick Attack +5d8
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Operative Exploit
11th +8 +3 +7 +7 Operative's Edge +4, Specialization Power, Trick Attack +6d8
12th +9 +4 +8 +8 Operative Exploit
13th +9 +4 +8 +8 Quad Attack, Trick Attack +7d8
14th +10 +4 +9 +9 Operative Exploit
15th +11 +5 +9 +9 Operative's Edge +5, Quick Movement (+30 ft.), Trick Attack +8d8
16th +12 +5 +10 +10 Operative Exploit
17th +12 +5 +10 +10 Double Debilitation, Trick Attack +9d8
18th +13 +6 +11 +11 Operative Exploit
19th +14 +6 +11 +11 Operative's Edge +6, Trick Attack +10d8
20th +15 +6 +12 +12 Operative Exploit, Supreme Operative

Operative’s Edge (Ex) - 1st Level

Your diverse training as an operative grants you a +1 insight bonus to initiative checks and to skill checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter.

Specialization - 1st Level

Your specialization represents your primary area of expertise. Pick one specialization upon taking your 1st level of the operative class. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. Descriptions of the specializations appear on page 94. Your specialization grants you the Skill Focus feat (see page 161) in your specialization’s associated skills, and you gain a free skill rank in each of those skills at each operative level (this does not allow you to exceed the maximum number of skill ranks in a single skill).
Specialization Exploit - 5th Level
You gain your specialization’s listed exploit as a bonus operative exploit, even if you don’t meet the prerequisites.
Specialization Skill Mastery - 7th Level
You become so confident in certain skills that you can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When attempting a skill check with a skill in which you have the Skill Focus feat, you can take 10 even if stress or distractions would normally prevent you from doing so.
Specialization Power - 11th Level
You gain a special power depending on your specialization.

Trick Attack (Ex) - 1st Level

You can trick or startle a foe and then attack when she drops her guard. As a full action, you can move up to your speed. Whether or not you moved, you can then make an attack with a melee weapon with the operative special property or with any small arm. Just before making your attack, attempt a Bluff, Intimidate, or Stealth check (or a check associated with your specialization; see page 94) with a DC equal to 20 + your target’s CR. If you succeed at the check, you deal 1d4 additional damage and the target is flat-footed against your attack. This damage increases to 1d8 at 3rd level, to 3d8 at 5th level, and by an additional 1d8 every 2 levels thereafter. You can’t use this ability with a weapon that has the unwieldy special property or that requires a full action to make a single attack.

Evasion (Ex) - 2nd Level

If you succeed at a Reflex save against an effect that normally has a partial effect on a successful save, you instead suffer no effect. You gain this benefit only when unencumbered and wearing light armor or no armor, and you lose the benefit when you are helpless or otherwise unable to move.

Operative Exploit - 2nd Level

As you gain experience, you learn special tricks called operative exploits. You learn your first operative exploit at 2nd level, and you learn an additional exploit every 2 levels thereafter. If an operative exploit allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your operative level + your Dexterity modifier. If it requires an enemy to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + 1-1/2 × your operative level + your Dexterity modifier. The list of operative exploits appears on page 95. You cannot learn the same exploit more than once unless it specially says otherwise.

Quick Movement (Ex) - 3rd Level

As long as you are unencumbered and wearing light armor or no armor, your land speed increases by 10 feet. At 9th level, your land speed instead increases by 20 feet, and at 15th level, your land speed instead increases by 30 feet.

Weapon Specialization (Ex) - 3rd Level

You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type with which this class grants you proficiency.

Debilitating Trick (Ex) - 4th Level

When you succeed at both the skill check and attack roll of your trick attack, you can make the target flat-footed or off-target until the beginning of your next turn. You might learn exploits that grant you additional options for your debilitating trick, but you can select only one option each time you hit with a trick attack.

Uncanny Agility (Ex) - 7th Level

You are immune to the flat-footed condition, and your opponent doesn’t gain any bonuses to attack rolls against you from flanking you or attacking you when you’re prone. Furthermore, covering fire and harrying fire don’t provide any advantage against you.

Triple Attack (Ex) - 8th Level

When making a full attack using only melee weapons with the operative special property or small arms, you can make up to three attacks instead of two.

Quad Attack (Ex) - 13th Level

When making a full attack using only melee weapons with the operative special property or small arms, you can make up to four attacks instead of two.

Double Debilitation (Ex) - 17th Level

When you succeed at both the skill check and attack roll of your trick attack, you can apply two of your debilitating trick effects.

Supreme Operative (Ex) - 20th Level

Whenever you attempt a skill check with your specialization’s associated skills, you can roll twice and take the higher result. Once per day as a move action, you can temporarily trade out one of your operative exploits for another operative exploit requiring the same level or lower. This trade lasts 24 hours. If the exploit you trade away is a prerequisite for any of your other abilities, you lose all abilities that require it as a prerequisite for the duration.


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