
Orbital Ring of Infinite Worlds

Source: Starfinder Core Rulebook
Preluria is a massive, green gas giant inhabited only by an aloof species of psychic gas oozes that are as much immune to the planet’s acidic gases as they are made of them. What Preluria lacks in civilization on its surface it more than compensates for in the teeming settlements found on its wide orbital rings. Consisting of millions of ice and mineral bodies of all sizes, the rings of Preluria host countless hidden smugglers’ bases, mercenary training facilities, and retreats for wealthy, influential, or misanthropic individuals from across the galaxy. There is no centralized government, with an ever-shifting landscape of political alliances, rivalries, and uneasy neutralities spreading across the immense disk.   The largest settlements among Preluria’s rings are found on the 23 bodies big enough to provide natural gravity of varying intensities, most of which have normal natural atmospheres. It is from these bodies that the strongest factions of the rings wage war against one another. Among the most powerful factions are the mercenary Vorlath, who shift loyalties to ever-higher bidders but also maintain their own independent ambitions; the seemingly peaceful Xystrian Brotherhood, whose agents pose as pacifists while sabotaging their enemies; the Prelurian Patrol, who attempts with erratic success to eliminate the system’s criminal elements and keep order; the Freugan Salvage Company, claiming any valuables found on any of the rings’ particles; and the Reivolan Institute, who conducts questionable experiments and research, welcoming scientists who are prohibited from practicing on other worlds. Smaller bodies house a variety of surface and subterranean structures, either as part of conglomerates or held by individuals with no ties to their neighbors. Some of these have artificial atmospheres, though most are barren beyond those artificial structures built on them.
Gas Giant
Year Length (OST)
25 years
Day Length (OST)
12 hours


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