
Planet of Evolved Invertebrates

Source: Module
Vertebrates never evolved on Primoria; instead, beings that are often considered less advanced life-forms—such as fungi, invertebrates, and plants—greatly diversified and evolved to form complex food chains and fill ecological niches usually occupied by vertebrates. Primoria’s two moons, the blood-red Acryllae and steel-gray Mandarth, cause regular significant tidal changes in sea level, and because of this, a relatively high proportion of the species on the planet are amphibious or at least capable of surviving both on land and in water.   Primoria has three major climate zones. The cold regions near the planet’s poles are unforgiving wastelands, where frost worms tunnel through the ice and most organisms live under the snow cover or in warm subterranean caves. In the temperate zone, giant mobile fungi graze on wide plains of moss, and cockroaches the size of bears feed on carcasses and plants alike. In the tropical zone, flesh-eating giant worms snake their way through fern-filled rainforests, and surprisingly agile trilobites hunt like tigers.   The biggest landmass on Primoria is the supercontinent Eukarya, which makes up 78 percent of Primoria’s land surface and spans all climate zones. Three large island continents named Cyrontia, Laurentia, and Velluria are the only other significant landmasses on the planet.   Two sentient, sapient species have evolved on Primoria: the invertebrate scyphozoans (who evolved from the seas and moved into coastal areas early in their development), and the fungal mycelars (vaguely bipedal masses of stringy fungal growths who originate from the planet’s vast fern and moss forests). The two species fought great wars against one another for centuries, but roughly a hundred years ago, they signed a great truce and started exchanging technology, resources, and information. This has lead to significant, rapid advances in science and biotechnology for both groups.
Terrestrial Planet
2 moon
Year Length (OST)
200 days
Day Length (OST)
17 hours


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