
Regrowing Plant of Life

Source: Module
Blessed with uncanny abundance, Ramiya had a surface smothered with layered rain forests, dominated by skyscraping trees, and nourished by the planet’s two suns. The planet’s ophidian natives, ramiyels, shepherded its biodiversity. For ramiyels, spiritual reverence for life was as natural as breathing. With Ramiya’s abundance providing all their needs, only a rare few ramiyels spared thought for what might lie beyond their world. Still, they heeded Triune’s Signal and built spacefaring vessels not unlike Xenowarden bioships.   Decades thereafter, a great vision shared among ramiyel mystics foretold the coming of the Swarm. These mystics spread word to their people so they could prepare. Knowing themselves incapable of repelling the coming menace, ramiyels instead gathered biosamples of the planet’s native species before sequestering themselves and their precious cargo deep within secret, sealed refuges, hoping to reseed Ramiya after the Swarm’s departure.   However, the main body of the invading Swarm departed before completely consuming the world’s life, for reasons not entirely known. Thus, when the ramiyels emerged from their caverns, they discovered a world only somewhat barren. Much had been reduced to dead rock, but the devastation was far from complete. Waterfalls thundered down cleared cliffsides, thickets and flowers grew among the broken roots of devoured trees, and seas once choked by greenery shimmered under the suns. The greatest surprises, though, were strange ruins previously hidden deep within formerly impenetrable jungles. Little could be gleaned from the structures’ exteriors, but the ramiyels were able to match the ruins to their own legends: these abandoned places must have been the homes of the lamyros, the ramiyels’ mythical ancestors.   In the time since, ramiyels have striven to rebuild and reseed their world’s dead zones. Some have ventured beyond Ramiya’s twin-sunned system for the first time, whether in search of resources or in service to the insatiable curiosity sparked by the strange invaders from beyond the skies. The mystery of the Swarm’s premature departure also remains. Many ramiyels believe that Ramiya’s stunning density of life was too much to devour at once, or perhaps the overwhelming power of so much life repelled the invaders. Others wonder if something in the ruins of the lamyros might hold the key to the Swarm’s mysterious departure.   Below are a couple locations of note on Ramiya.   The Fangs: The Swarm devoured the vegetation that once shrouded these lamyros ruins, long thought to be a pair of close‑set mountain peaks. Preserved from nature’s crushing grasp by ancient magic, the tall, sharp towers bear an abundance of bestial imagery and mystical runes on their outer surfaces. While the ramiyels have been too dedicated to reseeding to mount an expedition into the Fangs, scouting reports speak of coldly opulent chambers and artistic depictions of ancient ramiyel-like beings performing acts of unfathomable cruelty.   Ramiyels want to explore the ruins now that Ramiya is on the road to recovery, but they place great value in expertise. As they make connections in wider galactic society with individuals and organizations that could provide considerable skill in the investigation of the lamyros ruins, ramiyel archaeologists are increasingly looking to invite or employ them to do so.   Yaillan: Built amid the crown of a remaining old-growth cloudtree, Yaillan is the largest city on Ramiya. Each of its numerous districts occupies a branch of the great tree and functions as a self-contained village. Like much of ramiyel culture, Yaillan is built on living technology and architecture. Visiting ships land upon cultivated ironwood platforms, starship fuel is manufactured from cultivated fengar fruit, and vast, leaflike solar panels and the flow of the cloudtree’s sap provide power to ramiyel workshops and factories, elevators that descend to the distant surface, and other necessities. The ramiyels welcome visitors, but they keep a close eye on outsiders, having learned that few cultures share their own deep reverence for life.
Terrestrial Planet
Year Length (OST)
309 days
Day Length (OST)
52 hours


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