
Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Ability Modifiers +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Hit Points 3

Size and Type

Siasi are Medium humanoids with the siasi subtype.  


Siasi have a climb speed of 30 feet. They can use this speed to move horizontally in an area that has adequate handholds, such as from branch to branch in a tree.  


Siasi have four arms, which allow them to wield and hold up to four hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. While this increases the number of items it can have at the ready, it doesn’t increase the number of attacks it can make during combat.  


Siasi are skilled at leaping from tree to tree in their jungle home, and can apply these skills to any similar situations. So long as the siasi is currently using its climb speed, it can jump up to 30 feet without making an Athletics check. To do so, it must be jumping from a surface it can swing on, such as a branch or pole. This distance can exceed the siasi’s remaining speed, but otherwise takes movement as normal.  

Low-Light Vision

Siasi can see in dim light as if it were normal light.  

Throat Sac

Siasi have a large throat sac that they can inflate with air or deflate to let out a loud bellowing call. This allows them to hold their breath for up to 10 minutes at a time or release a powerful bellow that urges others into a frenzy, granting allies within 50 feet who can hear it a +4 morale bonus to their attack rolls during their next turn. Each hostile creature within 50 feet who can hear it must make a Fortitude save or be stunned until the end of their next turn. They can release this call any number of times, and it can be heard to a range of 500 feet, though they can only grant bonuses and penalties with it once per day. Releasing the air in this way is a swift action, or can be done as part of an attack.    

Alternate Ability Adjustments

Some siasi have unique bloodlines or have otherwise been mutated, which manifest or awaken and change them in some way. These siasi have unique ability score adjustments instead of the standard adjustments of +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.  


Deathmask siasi have an unusual fur pattern that is entirely black, though white fur spreads over their face often making it look skeletal to others. Some speculate this originally happened due to rituals they had attempted, communing with dark powers in order to ward away otherwise dangerous peoples. A deathmask siasi’s ability adjustments are +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.  


Seer siasi have even longer arms than usual for their people, and have rich brown-orange fur coating their entire body. They are renowned for their foresight and wisdom, and the siasi people of all kinds often seek them out before making large decisions. A seer siasi’s ability adjustments are +4 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution.  


Sunblessed siasi have bright golden fur and tend to head out of the jungle during the dry season, returning when the rains begin rather than the norm for their race. They tend to be kinder than other siasi, though this has lead to some dangerous situations as some have sought their fur to make high quality clothing, causing them to be hunted for the smallest slights on their part. A sunblessed siasi’s ability adjustments are +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom.  

Alternate Racial Traits

Deadly Decibels

While all siasi can yell loudly with their throat sac, most are only able to stun others with the sound. A rare few, however, can screech loudly enough to cause internal damage to others around them. These siasi no longer stun or grant bonses to attack rolls with their Throat Sac, but instead deals 1d6 sonic damage per level of the siasi to each creature within 30 feet of the siasi, excluding itself. As with granting bonuses or stunning, a siasi can only deal damage in this way once per day. A creature is entitled to a Fortitude save to half this damage, but any creature that has a bonus to hearing-based Perception checks makes its save with a penalty equal to that bonus.   This modifies Throat Sac.  


While avast majority of siasi live in the tree-tops or other high spaces, some have split off and live on the ground, putting their skills at handling high speeds to work there. These siasi have a base speed of 40 feet and gain a +3 bonus to Athletics checks to jump.   This replaces Brachiator and Leaper.  

Night Stalker

Some siasi sleep during the day, only awakening as the extreme heat of the sun begins to fade. They have much better sight in the dark, but struggle with bright lights. These siasi have darkvision to a range of 60 feet, but while in bright light they take a -4 penalty to sight-based Perception checks beyond 60 feet and take a -2 penalty to ranged attack rolls against targets beyond 60 feet in bright light.   This replaces Low-Light Vision.
[Basic Description]

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Physical Description

The siasi are long-armed ape-like people, typically bearing black or bright white fur and tan skin. They have a large throat sac that they can expand with air, much like a frog. They bear four arms, though they come from only two shoulders, splitting shortly before the elbow. Despite this, they have a masterful use of them and high mobility. Males will often inflate their throat sac both for show or for messages, as it allows them to emit extremely loud calls. The siasi with the largest throat sacs are often seen as gifted. They rarely stand up straight, though if they do they stand over 6 feet tall. This, combined with their numerous arms, loud calls, and typical aggression toward outsiders has given them a deserved reputation of being barbaric and spiteful. They tend to ornament themselves with colorful feathers or beads, though they are especially fond of anything with holographic displays. Due to this, the most prestidgious of them often wear holographic headdresses and the like.

Home World

The siasi live on the moon Thinos in the large jungles that lie nestled together near the equator of the moon. They rarely leave these jungles for long, disliking the dry air of the rest of the moon, though during the rainy season they often travel far distances, always returning before the dry season. They make great use of the ancient trees that grow within the jungles, slinging themselves from place to place at speeds other races would consider suicidal.

Society and Alignment

The siasi are often outwardly aggressive toward others, though this is primarily out of concern for their own people. Many of the races that have come to Thinos only came to tear apart the land, harvesting the vast supplies of valuable minerals. This destroyed many large swathes of the ancient jungle land, displacing the siasi who lived there. After the first such occurance, they sought out the materials themselves, beginning to learn more about technology and created artificial trees, armed with a defensive grid. While these trees repel a majority of intruders, those who are too stubborn to leave are often met with the full force of the aggressive ape-people. As a people, they tend to be neutral in terms of ethics, not caring too heavily for the forces of law or chaos, and a majority are morally neutral as well, though many are good, caring for their people even above their own lives.


The siasi tend to drive away outsiders rather quickly with blasts of laser fire and shouts of anger, but those that stick it out and befriend the siasi find them to be incredibly loyal companions. Chiefly among these people are the peaceful dur’yeng who live in the savannah-like plains of the moon and often meet the siasi on their trips during the rainy season. The peaceful nature of the people put the siasi at ease and proved them to not be a threat. Over the centuries, they have bonded and often seek each other out for aid in decisions that are not their area of expertise due to the two species being so different. The siasi are almost always aggressive toward the drow, who came to their world early on with vastly superior firepower and were only driven off through sheer numbers and grit, but at the cost of many siasi. Many expand this hatred to all elves, though this is not true for all of their race.


Siasi are naturally adventurous, though only to areas humid enough to not make them feel as though they are “breathing the sun’s own light”, as they put it. Due to this, many tend to leave their home world at some point. This is especially true when they are accompanying a dur’yeng who is seeking to appease a grudge, though they are happy to join almost anyone who has proven themselves a friend of their people. Among siasi, the most common adventurers are operatives and technomancers, though they excel as soldiers as well. They often find the path of the envoy lacking, their innate aggression making it hard for them to bond with any individuals they do not know well.  


Siasi names used to be long and flowing, but in times of need, this proved to be a detriment to them. Since them, most siasi have been given short names that can be easily called out with a single breath, allowing them to summon each other from great distances using their throat sacs. Some sample siasi names include Hok, Tos, Asaki, Norar, Butabi, Thorsah, and Rhetara,  

Vital Stats

Average Height 6-7 ft.   Average Weight 200-300 lbs.   Age of Maturity 16 years   Maximum Age 80 + 2d10 years


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