
Ability Modifiers +2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Str
Hit Points 6

Size and Type

Syngnathrixes are Medium monstrous humanoids with the aquatic subtype.


Syngnathrixes have the aquatic subtype, but can also breathe air and survive on land.


Syngnathrixes can see up to 60 feet in the dark.

Magical Genetics

Syngnathrixes gain a +2 racial bonus to Mysticism checks and count their number of ranks in Mysticism as 2 higher for the purposes of crafting magical items.

Syngnathrix Magic

Syngnathrixes have an affinity for all types of magic. A syngnathrix chooses a 1stlevel spell from any spell list. They can cast that spell as a spell-like ability once per day for every 4 character levels they have. The caster level for this spell is equal to the syngnathrix’s level. Once chosen, this spell cannot be changed.
Syngnathrixes are a species of monstrous humanoids with an arcane component to their genetic code that expresses itself in most individuals as an affinity for magic. Syngnathrixes are amphibious, and most have two or three finned prehensile tails. With augmentation and practice, they can walk on land like other bipeds, allowing them to live away from water in times of need. Syngnathrixes use coral harvested from their home world to ornament and augment their bodies.


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