
The Tetrad is a witchwyrd trade association that operates on multiple planets and planes, notably in Axis and Zjarra on the Plane of Fire. Originally founded to exploit the now-depleted minerals on a distant planet, the Tetrad is one of the few witchwyrd consortia that expanded beyond its initial purpose. Some witchwyrds, believing that gathering in too large numbers might make them vulnerable, actively distance themselves from the Tetrad, which in turn does not chase them away despite its power. Nevertheless, the Tetrad is steadily growing and constantly hires contractors for new ventures.   Goal
The Tetrad is a corporation that functions like a trade union and is always on the lookout for unusual bargains. For some reason, they seem to possess a considerable amount of wealth; when asked, they only imply that other beings lack their skills at commerce. Canny traders can exploit witchwyrds' preference for spicy foods to get better deals with the Tetrad; whether the witchwyrds do not notice or care is unknown.   The Tetrad is particularly interested in artifacts from Kasath, possibly due to the relationship between witchwyrds and kasathas. A growing number of kasathas hope that the Tetrad can restore their dying home.   The Tetrad manufactures its own starships outfitted with planar aperture drives capable of planar travel as well as Drift travel, which are never sold to non-witchwyrds under any circumstances. Individuals that attempt to infiltrate or analyse such a vessel usually vanish for weeks before returning with no memories of the incident.
The Tetrad's headquarters is located on Cyrune, the witchwyrds' home planet.
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Non-witchwyrds who serve aboard a Tetrad ship are bound by strict contracts concerning speech and behaviour. Those that violate them end up fined, jailed or most often targeted by bounty hunters. Some ex-employees have run into trouble after discovering too late that they broke a clause hidden deep within their contract.
Trade association
Interplanar and interplanetary


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