The Lights of Nhimbaloth

The list of the Outer Gods seems endless, and even the strangest among them have mortal followers. One such cult is dedicated to Nhimbaloth, the Outer Goddess of despair, ghosts, and swamps. In ancient times, she was relegated to desolate shorelines and tangled swamps, a parallel for her own existence on the edges of the River of Souls, consuming those predators that prey upon the spirits of the dead. A mysterious cult referring to itself as the Lights of Nhimbaloth believes that The Drift is a type of waterway with its own unique predators and that Nhimbaloth encourages them to hunt those beings in the same manner as she stalks the River of Souls. Structure


The members of the Lights of Nhimbaloth patrol the twisted stretches of the Drift in starships bristling with weaponry, searching for creatures and other vessels that attacked travelers and killing them in return. However, these crews aren’t focused on protecting innocents; they usually wait until travelers in the Drift are defeated by their foes before swooping in to destroy those attackers. The Lights of Nhimbaloth are ruthless when they strike, giving no quarter and expecting none in return. Many of the Lights of Nhimbaloth are sentient undead piloting starships with corroded hulls and engines that should by all rights be nonfunctional. Whether living or dead, the members of this cult cover their faces with masks or shawls, presenting blank, empty visages. They also tend to go about their deadly work in utter silence.


As most Lights of Nhimbaloth operate in small groups aboard their starships, there isn’t any real organization or power structure to be had, though a few individuals have been around long enough that they’ve earned the respect of others who know about them.


Few know about the Lights of Nhimbaloth, and those who do often see them as a force of justice, avenging those who are killed in the Drift by violent forces. However, The Stewards keep an eye for Lights of Nhimbaloth vessels that return to Material Plane space, suspecting some might be responsible for leading predators to prey, though it is difficult to identify their vessels by sight alone. Many priests of Triune see the Lights of Nhimbaloth’s presence within the Drift as an affront to their deity. A small faction of the cult has recently infiltrated Alluvion, the city at the center of the Drift, and provided the city’s coordinates to their allies, allowing them to resupply without returning to the Material Plane. Triunite officials are busy attempting to ferret out these cultists, all the while wondering why Triune would allow them to approach their holy city.
The cult has no true overall goal; they merely enjoy the thrill of battle against those who prey upon travelers within the Drift. They tend to live aboard their starships, stopping to restock and refuel on the Material Plane only when necessary. Some followers believe they are the chosen of Nhimbaloth and aim to expand her influence over the universe. These cultists seek to call her forth by leaving the carcasses of Drift predators floating through the plane surrounded by beacons that flash in particular patterns to catch the goddess’s attention. None can say whether these sacrifices are effective, as the bodies often are swallowed by clouds of Drift energy before they can be found again.


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