
Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Ability Modifiers +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution or
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Hit Points 4

Size and Type

Voluxi are Medium humanoids with the voluxi subtype.  


Voluxi have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.  


All voluxi gain +2 Wisdom at character creation. Sunblessed voluxi are kindly (+2 Charisma at character creation) but typically frail (-2 Constitution at character creation). Voidtouched voluxi bear a strong fortitude, tempered by the +2 Constitution at character creation), but have a hard time relating to others in any meaningful way (-2 Charisma at character creation).  


Voluxi have four arms, which allow them to wield and hold up to four hand’s worth of weapons and equipment. While this increases the number of items it can have at the ready, it doesn’t increase the number of attacks it can make during combat.  

Innate Spellcasting

Sunblessed voluxi are able to manifest their internal light in order to create magic, gaining the spells listed below as spell-like abilities. The caster level for these effects is equal to the voluxi’s character level.   1/day — luminous tag, wisp ally   At will — dancing lights, glowing wall, vanishing trick   Meanwhile, voidtouched voluxi lack the natural light magic of their white-furred cousins. The voidtouched voluxi are able to manifest their corrupted inner light in order to create magic, gaining the spells listed below as spell-like abilities. The caster level for these effects is equal to the voluxi’s character level.   1/day — fear, mental silence   At will — gloom mote, starwalk, vanishing trick  

Light Lover

When moving toward an area of brighter light than they are currently in, all of a sunblessed voluxi’s speeds are increased by 10 feet. Additionally, when first entering bright light, the voluxi is fascinated for 1 turn. While no bright light is within 30 feet of you, you are shaken.  

Void Lover

When a voidtouched voluxi is moving toward an area of dimmer light than they are currently in, all of the voluxi’s speeds are increased by 10 feet. Additionally, when first entering darkness, the voluxi is fascinated. While all spaces within 30 feet of the voluxi are within bright light, they are shaken.  

Voluxi Movement

Voluxi have an extraordinary fly speed of 35 feet. While in bright light, this increases to 40 feet for sunblessed voluxi. While in darkness, this increases to 40 feet for voidtouched voluxi.  

Voluxi Skills

Voluxi have a +2 racial bonus to Culture and Sense Motive.    

Alternate Ability Adjustments

A few voluxi have developed mutations or different societal views spread across their asteroid bases. These changes are represented by the listed ability adjustments instead of the normal adjustments.

Dragon Guided

Large sects of voluxi work under a Dragon by the name of Elangrisor, also known as the High Druid of the Grand Ring, in an attempt to restore life to their now-dead world and put all else aside, charging forward with a single-minded focus. Under her tutelage, they have grown wiser in the ways of the world, putting their understanding into all things. A dragon guided sunblessed voluxi has ability adjustments of +4 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence. A dragon guided voidtouched voluxi has ability adjustments of +4 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence.


While a majority of voluxi simply seek to learn information of other races relating to the possible destruction of their world, some prefer to dig deeper into the things they could learn. A researcher sunblessed voluxi has ability adjustments of +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution. A researcher voidtouched voluxi has ability adjustments of +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.  

Alternate Racial Traits

  The voluxi as a people have been spread far and wide, resulting in numerous changes to their general temperament and abilities. These changes are listed below.

Sun's Zenith

Rare sunblessed voluxi are able to harness the true power of the sun, granting them their name. Once per day, a sunblessed voluxi can use the supernova solarian stellar revelation, counting their character level as their solarian level and without requiring photon-attunement. This counts as a spell-like ability for the purpose of affects that effect it.   This replaces Light Lover.

Void Speech

Some voidtouched voluxi exhibit odd bouts of babbling and screeching in their early life that, over time, develop into a deep understanding of languages, both natural and unnatural. Such voluxi can cast tongues, but only targeting themselves as a spell-like ability once per day. The caster level for this spell is equal to the voluxi's character level.   This replaces Void Lover.
The majestic and graceful voluxi inhabit the remnants of their once mighty empire, torn apart and strewn into what is now named the Grand Ring, an asteroid belt orbiting between Delera and Elaris.  

Playing This Race

You Likely…
  • Have a great love for the sun and other sources of bright light.
  • Try to find any fault about others that may hint at their true motives.
  • Have difficulty fully trusting all but those who have proven themselves personally to you.
  • Dislike dark or small spaces with no light in sight.
Other Races Probably…
  • See you as a mysterious creature from a dead world.
  • Believe your fear of the dark is illogical and childish.
  • See your distrust of others as potentially self-projecting, making you seem distrustful yourself.
  • Believe your soft appearance and features make you easily approachable.

Physical Description

The voluxi are a relatively short four-armed people covered in thick, white fur. Their insectile faces bear two large eyes and one tiny “eye” on the top of their head between their two larger eyes. Protruding from the back of the head are two large, moth-like antennae bearing the same fluffy fur as the rest of their body. Their arms and legs extend from the fur, showing their thin black limbs ending in sharp claws and talons. From the back of these creatures extend six long wings covered 3/4 of the way down in fur, with the tips bearing the same black color as their skin, but being speckled with small white spots that resemble stars in the night sky. The torso of the voluxi appears far larger than it truly is, as they grow much more fur in that area, which is even more prominent amongst the males. The third “eye” of the voluxi does not interpret images the same way true eyes would, but is able to sense the amount of light in an area, helping to voluxi to find even extremely slight variations in ambient light.  

Home World

The voluxi once lived on a world of sprawling cities and technology, but when they awoke from the Gap it was all gone. Their world, once so grand, had been shattered into pieces which now orbit the sun as part of an asteroid belt. Unaware of who or what destroyed their glorious world, the voluxi withdrew and became suspicious of others, studying other peoples as much as they could. Now, they live upon the numerous asteroid bases within the Grand Ring, scarcely communicating with others and slowly attempting to rebuild their once-great empire.  

Society and Alignment

The voluxi are suspicious of others, never knowing who or what betrayed them and destroyed their empire, but are not outwardly aggressive. Amongst each other, they are extremely kind and seek to aid each other when they can. The society of the voluxi can be summed up as being Good in nature, and most tend to be lawful to neutral when it comes to ethics.  


The voluxi are distrustful of other peoples, expecting them to betray them in the end. However, when another has proven themselves trustful to an individual voluxi will find the moth-person to be a strong companion that will do anything they can to not let their new friend down.  


Voluxi often adventure out from their home asteroids, seeking out new races to learn what they can of them in case they locate whatever race caused the end of their home world of old. While they follow this, they often take up the route of the envoy or mystic to protect themselves and those closest to them. Some take up the path of the technomancer or magneticist as well.  


The voluxi take names that they have not changed since the fall of their home world, seeking to keep the world alive in thought. Some example names include Tisit, Karak, Visiv, and Laral. All traditional voluxi names are palindromes.  

Vital Stats

Average Height 4’6”-5’6” ft.   Average Weight 95-115 lbs.   Age of Maturity 12 years   Maximum Age 50 + 3d10 years


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