
Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Ability Modifiers +4 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
Hit Points 5

Size and Type

Zerzari are Medium outsiders with the earth, elemental, fire, native subtypes, but do not gain normal elemental immunities.  

Cold Vulnerability

Zerzari are incredibly affected by cold weather or attacks, and have vulnerability to that damage, taking half against as much damage (+50%) when they take cold damage. If a cold affect does not deal damage, the Zerzari instead takes a -4 penalty to saves against it. Lastly, if the Zerzari is dealt cold damage, it is staggered for 1 round.  

Elemental Vitality

Zerzari are immune to poison, and they neither breathe nor suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum. They gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against bleed, paralysis, sleep effects, and stunning unless those effects specify they affect elementals. Additionally, Zerzari cannot be flanked. They do not need to sleep or drink, but must consume elemental earth equaling half their weight each day. Due to this, the cost of food for a Zerzari is increased by 10% (minimum 1 credit).  

Glowing Body

Zerzari constantly shed bright light to a range of 10 feet, and dim light to an additional 10 feet. Due to this, they take a -2 racial penalty to Stealth.  

Heat Resistance

Zerzari have resist fire 5 + one half their level.  

Natural Weapons

Zerzari’s bodies are incredibly hot. They can deal 1d3 fire damage with unarmed strikes and the attack doesn’t count as archaic. Zerzari gain a special version of the weapon specialization feat with this unarmed strike at 3rd level, allowing them to add 1-1/2x their character level to their damage rolls for this unarmed strike (instead of just adding their character level, as usual).  

Zerzari Movement

Zerzari hover about 4 to 6 feet off the ground at all times, even while unconscious. Due to this, they ignore ground-based hazards and difficult terrain that cannot reach them. They have a base speed of 25 feet. They can use this hover in order to move over the top of liquids as well, and can willingly stop hovering at any time.  

Zerzari Senses

Zerzari have blindsight (heat) to a range of 60 feet and can sense through (smoke).  

Alternate Ability Scores

Some rare Zerzari adapt differently, whether due to living offworld or for other reasons, and they grant the listed ability adjustments instead of the standard adjustments of +4 Constitution, -2 Dexterity.  


Those zerzari who travel offworld in an attempt to find new and interesting technology often develop a quickly growing fondness for this technology and have ability adjustment of +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity.  
Born from the magma zones of Zerza in the Origin System, these odd beings of stone and heat inhabit both the surface and the subterranean tunnels of the world, relishing in the extreme heat.  

Playing This Race

You Likely…
  • See other worlds as a potential fuel source, imperfect and cold.
  • Believe other races are too fearful of extreme heat and simply do not see the beauty in large flames.
  • Feel as though traveling too far from home or a large star is not only dangerous, but potentially suicidal.
  • Think that those who do not have the raw strength and durability of an elemental are little more than frail children.
Other Races Probably…
  • Have difficulty seeing you as a living, thinking creature.
  • Believe accomodating your sense of comfort is more danger than it’s worth.
  • Think you to be a fire hazard simply for existing.
  • See you as a danger to all around you.

Physical Description

Zerzari resemble large chunks of pointed earth, bearing a molten core. From the bottom of their triangular or crystalline form sprout two arms, each ending in a small exposed rod of controlled magma. They can reshape this magma to form fingers or other appendages and control its heat output to keep from melting anything or anyone they touch. Small portions of stone float around the Zerzari which are disconnected, but still part of its body. When unconscious, these pieces drop to the ground. Rarely, crystals will grow upon the body of the Zerzari, and some will even chisel and trim these otherwise worthless stones as a form of self-expression, similarly to other races getting a haircut.  

Home World

Native to the magma world of Zerza, these people silently float through the toxic atmosphere of the world, conversing with each other in their own language made up of grinding noises and vibrations caused by manipulating the floating portions of their body to rub against each other and the main body. The tidally locked world has a singular moon and orbital drydock, but also has an impressive set of orbital mirrors, allowing the sun to light the otherwise dark side of the planet. The Moon, Torax-1, is extremely rich in solid metal, while Zerza itself is primarily filled with liquid metals. The surface of the planet is far too warm for most biological life to exist, but the Zerzari and the creatures adapted to live there find themselves right at home, with just about all life on the planet being either elementals or dragons.  

Society and Alignment

The society of the zerzari is not particularly complex, with most of them being content to simply do their own thing. The rare times that the zerzari do purposefully gather together is to defend from predators or to compare technology. Almost all things created on Zerza are powered by exceptional amounts of heat, smoke, or the natural toxins found in the air. The typical zerzari is neutral both when it comes to morality and ethics, though there is some slight variation amongst their people. Zerzari are formed as adults, having come together from smaller elementals that formed together into this new shape. Presuming they are not killed not give up their will to live, they never die from natural causes but may still starve or be killed through damage.  


The natural hostility of their planet has caused the zerzari to scarcely meet visitors, and due to their odd appearance and growl-like language, they are often mistaken for monsters. Due to this, the zerzari often believe other races are simply brutes that attack first and ask questions later. Outside of this, the few who have learned other languages and conversed with other races have found their technology and lives to be exceptionally interesting to learn about. Unfortunately, they have a bad tendency to “test” technology by applying as much heat as they can to it when they first begin meeting non-elemental lifeforms which can cause problems with those they meet when their new rifle is accidentally converted into a puddle of molten metal and plastic.  


Almost all zerzari who leave the planet are adventurers of some sort, seeking to either spread their heat and influence to new worlds in order to generate more power and technology, seeking to learn of the technology and lives of other peoples, or for some other reason. Outside of this interest, few ever leave their home world due to the outside simply being uncomfortably cold to them.  


The zerzari have names that are represented as certain varied vibrations and signals displayed both through their hands and their floating body parts, making them difficult if not impossible for other races to pronounce. Due to this, they often find it more acceptable to simply adopt a “travel name”, whether one they choose themselves or one given by another person they are close to.  

Vital Stats

Average Height 4-5 ft.   Average Weight 650-950 lbs.   Age of Maturity 0 years   Maximum Age None


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