Bark-Betony Species in Elbion | World Anvil
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Bark-Betony (bärk-bet(ə)nē)


  Lamiaceae Family
  Leaves rise from the roots; they are broad and round on the end, with dents around the edges. Stalks are small, square, slender, and hairy. Flowers are thick and short, with a reddish, purple color and containing white spots. Seeds within flowers are black, long, and uneven. Roots are white and thin. Often found in the woods.
  Common Uses
  Consuming any part of flower with broth cures:
    • Epidemic diseases
    • Weak stomachs
    • Jaundice
    • Convulsions
Drinking concentration of plant with wine cures:
    • Worms
    • Obstructions in spleen and liver
    • Stitches
    • Pains in back and sides
Consuming herb cures:
    • Broken bones
    • Internal bleeding
    • Cut veins
    • Splinters
Also used to repel witchcraft.
  Villagers often make bouquets of these flowers to place in their homes to protect families against the covens, good and bad. Has worked for these specific families so far...
  Can be traded at Margaret's Medicine & Herbs for 3 copper coins.

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