Darkshadow Species in Elbion | World Anvil
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Darkshadow (därkSHadō)


  Solanaceae Family
  Grows up to about a foot high on an upright, round, green stalk. Many branches grow from stem, populated with broad green leaves that are pointed on the end. Flowers are often white with five pointed petals, with yellow points in the center that produces small green berries. Root is white and woody. Whole plant contains waterish juice within it. Not as deadly as others in flower family, but still must be used in moderation.*
  Common Uses
  Application of juice of berries, rose oil, vinegar, and ceruss cures:
    • Inflammations of the eyes
    • Shingles
    • Ringworms
Application of juice of berries cures:
    • Pain and inflammation in the ears
Can be traded at Margaret's Medicine & Herbs for 2 copper coins.
  *Only use this flower if you are confident it is the common darkshadow. Mistaking it with the deadly darkshadow will cause death. 

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