Harmony Species in Elbion | World Anvil
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Harmony (härmənē)


  Papaveraceae Family
  *Three different kinds to look for
    • White Harmony: Stalk grows to about four or five feet high. Four or five whitish, green leaves frame the stalk close to the ground. Flower contains four large white petals with a set of threds in the center that produce seeds. Root is white and woody.
    • Black Harmony: Shares many characteristics with the White Harmony, other than the petals blooming into a black, purplish color. Seed is also black, and more likely to fall out of the head of the flower is downturned.
    • Wild (Corn Rose) Harmony: Long and narrow leaves, often light green in color and hairy. Stalk is blackish and hairy and shorter than the White and Black Harmonies. Flower is often yellowish red or crimson in color.

  Common Uses
  Consumption of White or Black Harmony seeds made into syrup cures:
    • Restlessness and Sleeplessness
    • Cough
    • Pains in throat
    • Loss of voice
Consumption of Wild Harmony cures:
    • Falling sick
Applying Wild Harmony to skin cures:
    • Inflammation
Can be traded at Margaret's Medicine & Herbs for 1 copper coin.

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