Youthfuls Species in Elbion | World Anvil
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Youthfuls (yo͞oTHfəls)


  Lamiaceae Family
  Grows up to three feet tall and four feet in diameter. Leaves are needle-like light, silver-gray. Bark is gray and flaky. Flowers are produced on shoots and are lilac, blue in color with a tubular shape.
  Common Uses
  Consumption of any part cures:
    • Head pain
    • Sickness
    • Drowsiness
    • Cramps
    • Convulsions
    • Fainting
Drinking spoonfuls of distilled water from flowers cures:
    • Loss of voice
    • Heart tremors
    • Fainting
Can be traded at Margaret's Medicine & Herbs for 1 copper coin.

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