The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)

Months of Astnyr

Monthly Traditions

Reflan, the First Month

Knowler by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Reflan, the month of spring reflections. The month of Reflan began the spring Knowler stepped into Astnyr. Reflan became a month of reflection during the spring at the beginning of the year. The people of Astnyr reflected on the previous year and began striving for a new year. This was also when they held the Lunarius seal celebration/remembrance.   The primary monthly tradition was to remember the years of the past, reflecting on what the people did. There were those that thanked their military men and healers for their continued service of protection. Astnyr recently received gratitude from many humans for allowing them to migrate and letting them teach alchemy, which helped in creating a better nation.  

Planan, the Second Month

Nave by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Planan, the month of spring planting. Nave created the tradition of spring when crops and other plants would be sown into the soil. However, Frosthalla didn't take part because it is impossible for crops to grow in the region.   Magick Glades organized the entire month all across Astnyr. Magick Glades deployed Life Druids to every settlement to assist in the planting. This did not stop Life Druids from visiting Frosthalla to assist with livestock care. They learned more about the Frost Giant city every year, delighting in their wisdom. Nave made sure every settlement was prospering before the summer came to have a good harvest in the autumn.  

Triaun, the Third Month

Justlight by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Triaun, the month of summer trials. The first month of summer held trials hosted by Justlight. These trials included tests of strength, knowledge, and crafting. Now, these trials helped prepare for the remembrance of Knowler's home planet, Notta. The remembrance happened at the end of the month, the anniversary of Notta's fall.   The first trials of strength happened in the first week of Triaun. This involved the military units and testing their resolve in the face of danger. Every volunteer fights each other in battles until they are unconscious, no lives were taken during these trials.   The second trials of knowledge happened in the second week of Triaun. Scholars and Mentors of Hystoria tested their knowledge in trivia battles, with Knowler as the judge. Lunarius joined in the judging until the Great War, relishing all the subjects he learned during the month from others.   The third trials of crafting happened in the last week of Triaun. During their collaboration, the members of the Crafter's Guild managed to create a magnificent masterpiece in Ironhammer. The creation had to complement each profession's skills. This represented Astnyr's unity and happiness. The more glamourous the craft, the happier citizens were. They moved this trial into Seaport when Ironhammer became separated from the rest of Astnyr.  

Forveg, the Fourth Month

Strection by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Forveg, the month of summer forage. This is the month where Strection led the people to forage for supplies before the autumn hits Astnyr. There were herbs and materials only obtainable during the late summer. People highly sought after items such as lemon products, thyme, spearmint, mint, and ginger.   This represented the strength and togetherness Astnyr upheld. They worked together to prepare for the winter to come, preserving their materials for hot beverages and foods. After Strection's tyranny began, Winter took over these proceedings.  

Clend, the Fifth Month

Beight by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Clend the month of autumn cleaning. Beight considered the dead leaves of the autumn season and saw it destroy some much needed materials before winter. She made a month of cleaning, where when the leaves first fell. There was also a burning of the leaves' ceremony at the end of the month, hoping for a prosperous harvest.   Beight's mastery of organization and beauty inspired the citizens to work together to create a better nation. The bonfire of leaves represented the death cycle of nature, but warmth could come from even the smallest of deaths. Smoke rose high in Magick Glades, where this gathering occurred.  

Harver, the Sixth Month

Sonance by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Harver, the month of autumn harvest. There wasn't an official month of harvesting until Sonance entered existence. This month provided time to prepare for winter more effectively. The harvest included crops, fishing, and a final forage. They cut down trees without leaves for wood and collected the seeds to sow when spring arrived. The next Planan was when these new trees grew.   This month helped citizens prepare for the winter. Frosthalla assisted with these harvests as they continued to raise their livestock.  

Offgild, the Eighth Month

Winter by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Offgild, the month of winter offerings. There was only one month of winter within Astnyr, being south from the eternal winter of Celmani. Winter decided there would be offerings where all supplies within Astnyr did not cost money. This was a month where the citizens had to band together to survive the one month of winter. Some regions faced worse winter than others, with Frosthalla hit the most with its snowy mountains throughout the year.
Weeks: 3   Days of Week: 10

Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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