Hidden beneath the frozen ground, beneath the city of Dragonspire, sprawls the caverns of Dragonshade. Styled "the Twins' City," Dragonshade is a subterranean stronghold of massive stalactites, stalagmites, and columns. The first, and largest, level of the city, styled Damon's Ring, houses the base of Damon's Tower, extending below his twin's tower for nearly a mile.
Hugging the Western side of the tower in the city's second level, Jasmine's Deep colors the space from ceiling to floor with all manner of Underdark flora and fauna. The rest of Mid-Shade is filled with homes, shops, workshops, and the normal bustling of life.
The bottom most level of the city, Deepest Shade, is restricted to governance and nobility.
Dragonshade is watched over by the Grey Cloaks and the Under Guard, governed by The Council of Spire & Shade, and populated by a spirited people who have worked hard to carve out their place in Eldafar's Underdark.
City Districts
Large city