In the center of Nadul, surrounded by Taiga forests, nestles the enduring city of Dragonspire. Styled "The Shining City" by bards, the title is both literal and figurative. The metal 'scales' affixed to Damona's Tower cause the city to literally glimmer in the sun reflecting off of the snow. The city is also known for upholding an honorable, honest, and equitable justice system. Its thick, convex walls do more than repel enemies; they help to shelter the people from northern Nadul's harshest winds.
While Dragonspire is truly a marvel, it stands out among Eldafar's other large cities in two ways. Firstly, it is the oldest city in recorded history. While associated with Xymor in the earliest texts, history teaches us that it survived the Second Breaking through The Twins' direct protection. Secondly, the city does not stop at ground-level. Beneath the foundations, its twin, Dragonshade, flourishes.
Above the surface, Damona's Tower dominates the center of the city, overshadowing even Xymor's Seat. The tower casts a comforting shadow over Jasmine's Gift; the city's tithe to The Nymph, which is tended by a coven of druids. The Gift nestles next to the city's largest market, Thane's Revel, and the north's grandest library, Raax's Wisdom.
The city is watched over by Xymor's Fangs and the Frost Claws, governed by The Council of Spire & Shade, and populated by a hearty people who brave the harshest of winters every year.
Major Landmarks
Large city