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Neldorlander (Nel-door-lahn-dohr)

Ranging from the highlands of the north, to the cliffs that overlook the sea, to the jagged edge of mountain ranges, and all the way down the Rock Road to Lusitania, the Neldorlanders span the hillsides of Neldorland, sporadically settled but all drawn closely together by a shared view of the world and their part in it. Rough and straight-forward people, Neldorlanders are hardened by the brisk winds and cold climate, and the dangerous threats around every corner.    The typical Neldorlander can be of many races, as Neldorlanders care more about physical prowess or battle-readiness than they do for the color or texture of your skin. The races more common to the area, however, remain to be that of the humans, orcs, goblins, giants (and goliaths) and dragonborn. Some wood elves and dwarves can be found scattered throughout, but are less common than the other races and are typically of a stockier build than their counterparts of other regions.    Neldorlanders are fairly self-sufficient, and pride themselves and depending only on themselves, but they have been known for answering the call for mercenaries or hired arms, more for the fight than anything else.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Astrid
  • Brenna
  • Brida
  • Birgit
  • Brakka
  • Gudrun
  • Ingrid
  • Katerina
  • Kenna
  • Runa
  • Torunn

Masculine names

  • Alaric
  • Anghus
  • Bjorg
  • Ferghus
  • Gubrash
  • Halvar
  • Hans
  • Harbard
  • Mertin
  • Mord
  • Ormr
  • Owyn
  • Sven
  • Thar
  • Wilhelm

Unisex names

  • Leigh
  • Reaghan
  • Sigurd

Family names

Family names often came about from battle names given after victories or feats done in battle, and devolved from there. Otherwise, common surnames include -son or -dottir, or clan names associated.


Major language groups and dialects

Neldorlanders speak a northern dialect of Common, and many speak any other languages of the area such as Orcish, Giant, Goblin or even Draconic.

Shared customary codes and values

Neldorlanders value strength and honor above all else. Promises are serious to them, especially promises to avenge a wrongdoing. To return home without exacting revenge as promised would result in the individual being shunned and treated like trash by the community, and many who go back on their word are exiled or worse, depending on the severity.

Common Dress code

Natural clothes, such as clothes made with leathers and pelts, are the norm for the Neldorlanders, though some may be known to wear metal armor, but it isn't typical to the area due to the cold and often brisk climate.

Coming of Age Rites

Many Neldorlanders coming of age may participate in the Den-seek, a springtime ritual where young adults seek out a bear's den to discern if it's hibernation has ended, and thus whether spring has started.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Death is not as life-ending or saddening for the Neldorlanders as it might be elsewhere. To die a warrior's death is an honor to the hardened and battle-ready peoples of the north, and as such, their funerals are less of a morose affair and more of a celebration of their commitment to fight the good fight until their dying breath. They are typically burned in a pyre, to help send their spirit up so it may join the other spirits of warriors of the past. The best memorials are ones where there are plenty of battle stories to be told, with the weaker memorials having very few stories to share about their conquests.


Beauty Ideals

The most attractive features to Neldorlanders is certainly brawn. How well you can protect your partner, as well as their warrior spirit are easily the most admirable traits for the women, and the men are most interested in a woman who could be strong enough to produce strong offspring, as well as protect the home while the men are away.

Gender Ideals

The typical idea of the roles of men and women in other areas such as Antrim or Durram differ greatly from those of the Neldorlanders and continue to baffle others. Neldorlanders care little what gender you are, or even what gender you believe yourself to be, so long as you can fight, and as long as you are honorable, that is enough for them. Many women of Neldorland will choose not to take a partner until the later years of their life, when they have fought enough to fulfill their warrior spirit and now wish to produce offspring to continue their fight, and it is generally accepted by the Neldorlanders to see women who do not take partners at all in life, or take partners for the sake of mating but not courtship. Men are almost exclusively warriors, however, as raising children is not something that men have done, shy of teaching the children to fight or fend for themselves.
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