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The Eldrid Stone

The Eldrid Stone   In the dawn of time, the Eldrid Stone was forged in the heart of a dying star by the ancient Solarian civilization. This enigmatic race, renowned for their mastery of interdimensional magic, crafted the stone as a key to traverse the vast expanse of the multiverse. Creation The Solarians imbued the stone with the essence of their dimension, infusing it with the power to create portals to other realms. The intricate script etched into the stone's surface is the Solarian language, a cipher that holds the secrets of the multiverse. As the civilization vanished, the Eldrid Stone remained, a testament to their wisdom and power. The Portal's Power Those who possess the Eldrid Stone can unlock portals to other dimensions, accessing realms both wondrous and treacherous. However, each portal opened creates a rift, a tear in the fabric of reality that can unravel the very essence of existence. Closing the Portals To close the portals and restore balance to the multiverse, one must decipher the Solarian script and recite the ancient incantation: "Aethereia, Kalos, Eldrida, Khaos." This phrase, spoken with the stone in hand, will seal the portals and heal the rifts. But beware, for the stone's power comes at a terrible cost, and those who wield it too long risk becoming lost in the infinite expanse of the multiverse. Weathered by Age The Eldrid Stone's glow has dimmed over the centuries, a sign of its diminishing power. As the stone's energy wanes, the portals it has opened begin to destabilize, threatening catastrophic consequences for the multiverse. It is said that only one who understands the true nature of the Eldrid Stone and its power can restore its energy and bring balance back to the cosmos.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Used to open and close portals to other dimensions during certain celestial alignments.


Unknown it appeared around the time the portal was opened that allowed Mike to cross into the world. It was reviewed by professor Thompson early on in the story line as a way to determine how to close the portal.


It's what originally allowed Mike to appear in the realm.
Current Location
Current Holder


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