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Codex Mortem: Ancient Writings of the Living Dead

Ancient Writings of the Living Dead

Penned by Bodán of Clairelending in the three hundred twenty-seventh year in the Age of Rekindling

    May this manuscript of ancient lore enlighten thee on the mysteries of the undead, spirits, and spectral entities that traverse realms unseen. Guard well the knowledge herein imparted, for it is a sacred testament to the esoteric realm that lies betwixt the mortal and the ethereal.   In dutiful obeisance to the revered Gravemother, valiant soldiers wage ceaseless battles against the myriad legions of the undead. Behold, herein presented, is a diligent categorization of these abominable creatures, their kinship with the Gravemother, and the vulnerabilities they bear.  


Verily, let the words herein scribed shed light upon the arcane knowledge of the undead, beings that once tasted life's embrace but now dwell in the realm beyond mortality. Aye, these entities, no longer subject to the vital rhythms of respiration, metabolism, or aging, have returned from the abyss of death, forsaking the natural course of existence. The undead, enigmatic and diverse, comprise myriad forms, each bearing its own singular attributes and origins. Amongst them are the zombies, mindless and relentless, roaming the earth bereft of purpose, consumed by an insatiable hunger for the living. Skeletons, stripped of their fleshly vestiges, rise from their earthly resting places, animated by mystical forces beyond mortal comprehension. Ghosts, spectral phantoms, haunt the twilight realms, dwelling betwixt the corporeal and the ethereal, tethered to the living realm by unresolved sorrows or unfinished deeds. Revenants, driven by enigmatic motives, return from the beyond, their presence a portent of unsettled affairs and retribution. Last of this dread assemblage, the vampires, seductive and immortal, prowl in the shadows, partaking of the lifeblood of the living to sustain their cursed existence. Each of these accursed beings, in its uniqueness, evokes fear, fascination, and wonder in the annals of myth, folklore, and the tapestry of popular culture.   May this sacred parchment, etched with the knowledge of the undead, illuminate the path of those who dare to venture into the realm of the supernatural. As day turns to night and the moon casts its pallor upon the land, let the mysteries of the undead be unveiled, and may the wisdom within these ancient words aid thee in navigating the enigmatic terrors of the afterlife.  

Religious Significance

Harken, O ye faithful, to the solemn words of the Gravemother, for she perceives the unhallowed undead as an affront to nature, a vile abomination that demands retribution. Yon creatures of the undead realm, diverse in their manifestations, are thus hierarchized in their severity.   The mystic arts that summon them forth are of yore, steeped in antiquity, veiled in enigma, comprehensible solely to those versed in its esoteric ways. To the uninitiated, its profundities remain obscure.   Yet, let it be known that there are certain instances wherein the Lady of Graves, in her infinite wisdom, deems the dispensation of annihilation not an absolute mandate.  
Lo, behold the pitiful plight of the zombie, cursed with naught but an insatiable hunger for the living. Unreasoning and ceaselessly staggering heralds of doom, these ghastly beings relent not till fate or force lays them to rest. Behold the arcane art of reanimation, wherein the departed are summoned back to a semblance of life, each case unique in its methodology. Mindless they become, stripped of reason, consciousness, and sentiment. Their actions dictated solely by primal instinct, an unquenchable craving for the living's tender flesh. Sluggish in their gait, lethargic in motion, the zombie's advance is gradual and torpid, though in rare instances, swifter and more nimble specters may emerge. Witness the wretched spectacle of decay upon them, bearing the gruesome marks of decomposition – rotting flesh, bared bones, and wounds from their past demise.   Let it be proclaimed, without the veil of hesitation, that the task at hand is the complete eradication of this abomination, without the burden of prejudice.  
Lo, behold the revenant specters of antiquity, summoned forth by the arcane rites of necromancy, enchanted curses, or supernatural powers. Reanimated skeletal remnants of the departed, their semblance of life eerie and disconcerting. These undead skeletons, in contrast to their zombie brethren, stand bereft of flesh and organs, their existence a macabre display of animated bones bound by the eldritch forces that called them back from the void. A dearth of intellect and emotion afflicts them, for they lack the faculties of thought and self-awareness. Instead, these lifeless phantoms dutifully obey simple commands, be it serving their necromantic master's bidding or seeking to fulfill lingering desires from their bygone lives. Wielding resilience beyond the natural realm, their essence tethered to the supernatural, these skeletal apparitions prove impervious to mundane perils. Conventional means of combat rarely avail, for it is through sacred magic or enchanted arms alone that they may be vanquished with certainty.   Let it be proclaimed, without the veil of hesitation, that the task at hand is the complete eradication of this abomination, without the burden of prejudice.  
Venture now into the shadowed realm of morbid and sinister beings—the dreaded ghouls, enmeshed in a haunting nexus with graveyards, tombs, and desolate wastelands, where they prowl as scavengers of the dead or fiendishly feast upon the remains of the departed. Among the traits that define these creatures of dread are their affinity for dwellings amidst death's domain—cemeteries, mausoleums, and forsaken burial grounds, while their nocturnal nature sees them emerge only under the shroud of night, seeking their ghoulish sustenance. Famed for their macabre palate, they are relentless corpse eaters, reveling in the flesh of the deceased, and in some ghastly tales, even harboring a taste for the living, should fate conspire to grant them the opportunity. A sight to chill the bravest of hearts, ghouls bear a gruesome appearance—pale and emaciated, their limbs elongated, their talons keen, instruments employed to exhume graves and rend asunder the flesh of the once-living. In a striking departure from their mindless zombie counterparts, ghouls are known to harbor intelligence and cunning. They craft traps with devious skill or lurk in ambush for hapless victims, a testament to their twisted intellect. Yet, controversy shrouds their origins like a pall of darkness, for across diverse cultures and sagas, their genesis takes multifarious forms. Some deem them a separate race or species, whilst others ascribe their existence to humans who succumbed to cannibalistic desires, cursed as a dreadful consequence of their unholy acts.   Let it be proclaimed, without the veil of hesitation, that the task at hand is the complete eradication of this abomination, without the burden of prejudice.  
Journey back in time to the realm of legend, where mummies, enigmatic creatures, reign in the annals of far-off ancient lands and civilizations, their burial customs veiled in profound mystique. Corpses transformed, through purposeful intent, into preservative vessels enshrouded in linen or bandages, subjected to mystical rites securing passage into the afterlife. Marked by meticulous preservation and encased in swathes of linen or bandages, mummies endure a sacred embalming process, thwarting the relentless hand of decay, as they embark on their celestial voyage. Hailing from foreign myths and histories, mummies find kinship with pharaohs, priests, and esteemed individuals of social eminence. Yet, beyond those distant domains, they find their place in other cultures boasting akin burial customs. Entwined with folklore, mummies bear the sinister stigma of curses and supernatural safeguards. Disrupting the rest of these solemn sentinels is whispered to invoke misfortune or stir the ire of vengeful spirits. Become privy to their solemn role as tomb sentinels, stalwart guardians of ancient riches and hallowed grounds, pledged to deter trespassers. Though slow in stride, their resoluteness makes them formidable adversaries, their mission steadfast—to shield their eternal abode from intruders' profane endeavors.   Let it be proclaimed, without the veil of hesitation, that the task at hand is the complete eradication of this abomination, without the burden of prejudice.  
Venture into the realm of the esoteric, where spirits, ethereal beings, dwell beyond the confines of the tangible world, enmeshed in the supernatural tapestry. These incorporeal entities, vested with diverse attributes, play multifarious roles within the intricate fabric of cultural and religious beliefs. Their incorporeal nature defines them, freed from earthly vessels, fashioned of energy, essence, or consciousness. Elusive in form, they may don manifold guises or remain veiled from mortal gaze, hidden from discerning eyes. In many a creed, spirits forge a link to the afterlife or the domain of the departed. Souls of the deceased, ancestors, or other entities from the spirit realm, they traverse the ethereal boundaries, woven into the grand tapestry of existence. Fabled are their interactions with the living, for through mediums, dreams, or divinations, they reach out to impart counsel, forewarn, or bestow blessings. A dance between realms, a cryptic communion betwixt the ephemeral and the mortal plane. Some spirits, benign and protective, assume the mantle of guardians, steadfast sentinels watching over their living progeny or the sacred lands they once cherished. Yet, in the shadows lurk malevolent specters, with malice as their creed, driven by reasons varied, such as unresolved affairs or festering grudges, seeking to haunt and harm the living.   Together, we shall strive to aid these ethereal beings in finding peace, harmony, and resolution, leading them towards one of two fates: to reunite with the Gravemother in the embrace of the afterlife or to undergo a transformation, to be reforged anew.  
Pass judgment, for the enigmatic phantoms known as ghosts tread the realms of folklore, myth, and the paranormal, wandering the physical world as supernatural entities. They are the lingering souls or spirits of departed souls, bound to the mortal plane, unable to find solace in the afterlife, their journey impeded by unresolved matters and lingering emotions. Ephemeral apparitions, ghosts emerge as ethereal specters, haunting the material world, their translucent forms mirroring their aspect at death or pivotal junctures in their earthly existence. Their haunting deeds are renowned, marked by enigmatic sounds, chilling cold spots, objects inexplicably moved, or spectral manifestations. Be it to loved ones or strangers, these specters reveal themselves to convey messages or seek closure. An unfinished tale lingers in the fabric of their essence, for it is widely believed that unresolved matters or lingering emotions shackle them to the earthly realm. Injustice, strife, or the yearning for redemption binds them, thwarting their passage to the afterlife. Certain places hold spectral allure, as many a ghost story finds its tether to specific locations—haunted houses, ancient battlefields, or timeworn edifices—each site steeped in tales of tragedy or moments pivotal to the ghost's mortal odyssey.   Together, we shall strive to aid these ethereal beings in finding peace, harmony, and resolution, leading them towards one of two fates: to reunite with the Gravemother in the embrace of the afterlife or to undergo a transformation, to be reforged anew.  
Once more, traverse the realms of folklore, where the fabled vampires dwell, mythical creatures celebrated for their eternal existence, otherworldly prowess, and the insatiable need to consume the essence of life, typically manifested in the form of blood, to sustain their ethereal being. Immortality and undeath envelop these enigmatic beings, basking in eternal twilight, seemingly untouched by the passage of time, impervious to mortal ailments and afflictions. Foremost amongst their defining traits is the unquenchable thirst for blood, their unholy craving sated through the puncture of their sharp fangs into the tender flesh of the living. The life-giving fluid bestows them strength and sustenance, preserving their existence. The veil of night cloaks them, for vampires are nocturnal creatures, entwined with the shadows, yet vulnerable to the touch of sunlight. When the sun descends, they rise to activity, their prowess reaching its zenith under the moon's embrace, but retreating to coffins or secret lairs once dawn illuminates the horizon. Their dominion over the supernatural realm is awe-inspiring, an assemblage of extraordinary abilities befitting their immortal mantle. Strength surpassing mortal bounds, speed and senses sharpened beyond measure, ensnaring minds through potent hypnosis, and even the ability to transmute into bats or other eerie forms. Such is the arcane arsenal of these otherworldly creatures, masters of the enigmatic and the extraordinary.   Let it be proclaimed, without the veil of hesitation, that the task at hand is the complete eradication of this abomination, without the burden of prejudice.  
Immerse yourself in the enigmatic realm of wraiths, ghostly entities veiled in sorrow, death, and the mystique of otherworldly domains. These haunting apparitions are deeply interwoven with the afterlife, their ethereal presence echoing through the ages. Ephemeral and ethereal, wraiths take form as ghostly figures, their appearance translucent and insubstantial. Pale or shadowy, they stand as manifestations of their ethereal ties to the spirit world. Bound to death and grief, wraiths are the melancholic spirits of souls tragically lost, denied the solace and tranquility of the afterlife. Fated to wander, they bear the weight of unfinished business and unresolved pain. Their haunting activities abound, driven by a myriad of motives—be it the fulfillment of unfinished affairs, the pursuit of vengeance for past wrongs, or the delivery of messages to the realm of the living. As omens of doom or as avengers of a bygone era, they weave their presence through the tapestry of existence. Within otherworldly realms, these enigmatic beings find their purpose, serving as guardians or denizens of the spirit world. Desolate places, graveyards, or the twilight borders between the living and the dead bear witness to their spectral presence, bridging the gap between mortality and the ethereal beyond.   Together, we shall strive to aid these ethereal beings in finding peace, harmony, and resolution, leading them towards one of two fates: to reunite with the Gravemother in the embrace of the afterlife or to undergo a transformation, to be reforged anew.  
Embark on a journey through the realm of the arcane, where wights, undead humanoids, prowl, akin to spectral wraiths, capable of siphoning life with but a fleeting touch. Birthed from necromantic rites, violent demises, or the malevolence of the departed, their presence shrouded in mystery and dread. Their ethereal nature weaves them into the supernatural fabric, ascending beyond the limits of the corporeal world, bearing powers and aptitudes surpassing those of mere mortals. Behold the sentinels of the mystical, for wights don the mantle of guardians, ever watchful over specific domains—the hallowed realms of natural landmarks, ancient ruins, and sacred burial mounds. To intruders, they pose as protectors, evoking both reverence and trepidation from local communities. Within Vargarian lore, they forge an intimate connection to the deceased, especially those denied proper burial or doomed to tragic fates. Ancestral spirits, noble heroes, and valorous warriors, they embody the souls of yore, their existence woven into the tapestry of remembrance. Varying as the shifting winds, wights exhibit diverse dispositions, their demeanor spanning from benevolent and watchful, offering succor and counsel to those who display respect, to malevolent and wrathful, unleashing misfortune upon those who dare to desecrate their domain. Such is the enigmatic realm they inhabit, where dread and wonder intertwine.   Together, we shall strive to aid these ethereal beings in finding peace, harmony, and resolution, leading them towards one of two fates: to reunite with the Gravemother in the embrace of the afterlife or to undergo a transformation, to be reforged anew.
Manuscript, Religious
Vellum / Skin


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