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The Targe of The Hound

The first step will be locating a symbol for people to unite behind. The Hound of Clainegall was a mighty warrior and member of the Sentinels who helped to unite Hildenor and defeated the first invasion of Vilebrood hundreds of years ago. His shield, known simply as The Targe of the Hound is said to be a gift from powerful fey from the Other World. Regardless of whether or not it is of Other origin, it proves to be a symbol that the people of Hildenor can unite behind. The Targe is buried in Talamyre in the Tomb of the Hound.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Entrance to the Tomb

1a. Bandit Encampment
  Outside of the entrance to the burial mound, there are several horses and pack mules tied to a tree and grazing. There is a cart containing some supplies and excavation gear. A locked chest is in one of the carts, and a DC 10 Thievery Check can open it to reveal written orders from Saraid.  
1b. Campsite
  The first chamber of the burial mound is occupied by four bandits who seem to be resting. If they spot the adventurers, they will interrogate them to see what they are doing here. The leader of this small group is named Ior and can be easily tricked into thinking the group is a patrol of the Elk Horn bandits.    
1c. Gravesite
  Through the door past the resting bandits is the first tomb. In this chamber, there are six bandits and one bandit captain. They are searching the area for treasure. If the bandits from area 1b are tricked, the other bandits fall in line with the exception of Captain Finola. Since she does not recognize them, she is weary of their purpose here.
  A DC 19 Perception check can identify a loose floor panel with a switch underneath that opens the enterance to the main tomb.  

2. Tomb of the Hound Entrance

2a. Throne Chamber
  The entry leads to a flight of stairs, lit by an everburning torch in the center of the platform below. Stairs continue down to the left and right and open up into a central chamber with a throne-like center. Here, there are three rat swarms that attack on sight.     Upon the thrown sits a long desiccated corpse, perhaps of a once mighty warrior. If investigated, a non-hostile spirit appears and offers guidance as the guardian of the tomb. The spirit identifies herself as Barra, a cleric of the Gravemother who protects the tomb from those who would do it harm. She asks their mission and offers that they must pass the trials to obtain the targe. To access the chamber, the trials must be passed, the four keys found to open the path.  

3. Western Tomb

  The Western portion of the tomb has two trials, the trial of Courage, and the Trial of Cleverness, both traits needed by the best warriors and sentinels.
3a. Trial of Courage
  The door has a riddle carved onto it.
I am born in fear, raised in truth, and I come to my own in deed. When comes a time that I’m called forth, I come to serve the cause of need.
The trial of courage opens up into a room full of bones, clean and nearly bleached. Piled into a central pyramid in the room, the bones lead upward to the key, suspended above the bone pile roughly 12 feet in the air. Characters can climb the bone tower to retrieve the key, but are soon beset by the Ochre Jelly that calls this chamber home. After a few rounds of combat, will disappear and reappear obstructing the door. The requirement for passing the trial is to run through the jelly to the other side.  
3b. Trial of Cleverness
  The door has a riddle carved onto it.
"What does man love more than life Fear more than death or mortal strife What the poor have, the rich lack, and what contented men desire, What the miser spends and the spendthrift saves And all men carry to their graves?"   Answer: Nothing.
The chamber opens up to a table used to prepare bodies for burial. Upon the table is a skeleton with a dagger sticking out of the chest. Near the body lies a book with notes in the old tongue. A DC 21 Society check can decipher the writings which have been perfectly preserved.
"If you break me I do not stop working, If you touch me I may be snared, If you lose me Nothing will matter."   Answer: A heart.
3c. Trial of Honor
"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both For a wounded man shall say to his assailant 'If I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven' Such is the rule of honor."
Each character must face a creature in single combat.   3d. Trial of Mercy
"We do pray for mercy; And that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy."
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