Duelist's Etiquette

Area: 30-ft. radius   Saving Throw: None   Spell Resistance: No


When cast, the radius of the spell’s area is traced with a faintly glowing line of energy. The spell creates a subtle defensive barrier against magical attacks, causing all damage from spells and summoned creatures in the area of effect to become nonlethal. Whenever a creature enters the warded area, it must consciously choose to accept this restriction, or else the spell ends. If at any time a creature inside the area wishes to no longer abide by the duelist’s etiquette, he can spend a full round action to concentrate and end the spell. When the spell ends, all creatures in the area of effect immediately are aware. This spell is primarily used to ensure that spell duels are not fatal, without forcing mages to hold back their strongest powers.
Material Components
Focus: A pair of padded sticks
Gestures & Ritual
V, S
Related School
Effect Duration
One hour
Effect Casting Time
3 rounds
Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2


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