A frightening, hideous humanoid-shape stands proudly, with no apparent mouth. Seemingly lifeless, piercing eyes read and track not only your every movement, but your every thought.The Fell are bizarre, intelligent creatures that feed mainly on the fear of others. From unknown origins, these aberrations maintain a mysterious and fundamentally unknown set of mental links and understandings with one another. As individuals, they consider themselves far superior to that of normal humanoids, and effectively claim to be the highest form of life in existence. With psionic abilities and mind-altering abilities, they are often found with thralls or otherwise enslaved beings of other races, and will use said minions to feed on, or to procure more fear from nearby civilisations for food. Most Fell have a telepathic link, and deep understanding of each other, almost akin to a hivemind, and are theorised to be in tune with a Great Old One, but many forms of existence are available to them. The Fell mainly lived in caves and other underground lairs, spending time in communion with psionic phenomena from beyond.
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