Gabals Superior Missile

Target: Up to five creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart   Saving Throw: None   Spell Resistance: Yes


The archmage Gabal proudly states that this spell is superior to the old standby magic missile in urban settings. Though its range is shorter, it can be cast even without line of sight to its targets. The spell creates two energy darts, plus an additional missile for every two caster levels beyond 3rd, to a maximum of five at 9th level. Each missile strikes its target unerringly, and does 1d4+1 damage.   This spell has two modes. The first mode has a casting time of a standard action and is identical to magic missile except for its shorter range. The second mode has a casting time of a full round action. You become aware of every visible creature within range of the spell, and can divide the targets among them, though all targets must be within 15 ft. of each other. You can target creatures that have total cover or total concealment with respect to you, as long the target is not totally concealed and there is a clear route between you and the target. A clear route is one where line of effect can be traced from one square to the next along the route, but the beginning and end of the route do not need line of effect to each other. The total length of this route cannot exceed the spell’s range.   For example, you could target a creature inside a room even if there was a wall between you, as long as a door or window was open. Likewise, you could target a creature hiding behind a fog cloud, as long as there was a clear route around the fog. However, you could not target a creature totally concealed within the fog cloud.


Invented by the Archmage Gabal
Related Organizations
Material Components
Gestures & Ritual
Verbal and somatic components
Related Discipline
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
See text
Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Sor/Wiz 2


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