High Purifier Zhylaw

High Purifier Zhylaw has been the Lord Marshall of the Unmade since 446. Since then, the Ethorian armies have successfully established their complete dominance in their home country and look greedily across the Straits of Heridia for fresh converts.   Zhylaw is the sixth Lord Marshall of the Unmade. The previous High Purifier Kryll's time ended unexpectedly. With no verbal announcement, he committed ritualistic suicide. Thankfully, a document was found near his corpse by a trusted officer, Zhylaw, and this succession document averted the rancorous in-fighting that marked the transition between the Fourth and Fifth Regimes. The succession document named Zhylaw as the next Lord Marshall, but some questioned its validity. Rumor led to tribunal, and soon, a public debate ensued: some suggesting that Zhylaw was somehow complicit in the passing of Kryll. Zhylaw was promptly exonerated, and the perpetrators of these spiteful stories were hunted out and killed before due time.   In an attempt to protect his reputation for the ages, Zhylaw had the succession document naming him Lord Marshall stored in the Unmades' most secure vaults, under the tightest of guard. There it remains, protected for all posterity. He created many Conquest Icons that served not only to be a memorial of the battle that took place where it landed but also to start that battle. The campaigns he led across the Karpathian continent often only had Conquest Icons remaining to remember the battles that took place.
Lawful evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Short, black
6' 3"
220 lb
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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