Jedra the Blue Goblin Character in Eldarr | World Anvil

Jedra the Blue Goblin

The ‘priest’ of a small band of goblins that have inhabited Castle Calaelen is the goblin Jedra, who found a book about Orcus left there by a previous inhabitant. Jedra rather liked the idea of Orcus and built a chapel to honor him. Orcus was amused by this and granted Jedra some limited power which he is using to learn to raise undead. He hopes one day to replace his raiding parties with teams of undead lead by goblins, to supply them with all the food they could want.   Jedra's skin is entirely shaded blue. This comes from a set of lapis lazuli magical earrings he found that turns anything it is immersed in blue.

Blue goblin cleric of Orcus

View Character Profile
Date of Death
February 11, 1000
984 1000 16 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Furry Ballsacks adventuring party
Place of Death
Castle Calaelen
Pale white surrounded by blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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