Master's Voice - Ancient

The tutelage of your ancient teachers allows you to mimic the magical aura of others, including the creators of certain magical creatures.     Prerequisite: Use Magic Device 9 ranks, Wedded to History feat     Effect: You may, as a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, attempt to impersonate the master or creature of a non-intelligent creature of the undead or construct type. This requires you to make a Use Magic Device check (DC 20 + HD of creature). If you succeed in tricking the creature you may then, as a standard action, command it to perform any task it is normally capable of performing so long as you succeed in another Use Magic Device check (DC = 10 + HD of creature). You must make this check each round in which it performs the commanded action, and if you should ever fail a check you must reestablish your false persona prior to issuing a new command.     Special: The creature always recognizes its true master, making it impossible for you to control it when in his presence.


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