

This spell functions like dispel magic, except that it can only counter spells as they are being cast. Make a dispel check, 1d20 + caster level (maximum of +20) against DC 11 + caster level of the spell you’re trying to counter. If you succeed, the spell is countered, and you can choose to cast the spell yourself as a free action. The spell functions as if cast by its original caster, except that it originates from you, and that you control it and make all choices regarding its effects and targeting.   Since this spell takes a standard action to cast, you must either ready an action to cast it in response to a spell, or must be able to counter spells reactively.    For example, Katrina (sorcerer 9) casts a fireball, but the Inquisitor Kreven (cleric 17) uses overmaster to counter it. He may then immediately cast fireball, though its caster level will only be 9.
Material Components
Gestures & Ritual
V, S
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Applied Restriction
Spell resistance: No Saving throw: None


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