Reactive Counterspell - General
Having trained in the techniques of the Acheron Inquisitors, you are always poised to counter spells.
Benefit: Whenever a creature you are aware of casts a spell, you may attempt to counterspell that spell reactively. You can only do this if you are not flat-footed, and if you are able to take a standard action in your next round. If you attempt to counter a spell in this way, you give up your standard action in your next round, effectively having used it up already. You can only perform actual counterspells, such as by using dispel magic, slow to counter haste, or using a spell of a similar school with the Improved Counterspell feat. You cannot use this feat to reactively cast damaging spells to disrupt an opponent’s concentration, or other similar tactics.
If you have the rebuke magic alternate cleric class feature, you can use a rebuke magic attempt to attempt to counterspell with this feat.