Shining Warrior - General

You possess the luminous power of the Solei Palancis, the elite fighting force of the Shining Land of Shahalesti army.   Prerequisite: base attack bonus +3, ability to cast light as an arcane spell.   Benefit: If you wield a magical weapon that sheds light (or one glowing because of a spell with the light descriptor), you can choose to intensify that light, increasing it to the strength of a daylight spell (60 ft. radius, with shadowy light another 60 ft.) as a standard action once a day, lasting 10 minutes. Whenever you strike a critical hit with a weapon that is emitting intensified light, the creature struck must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be blinded for 1 round. On a successful save, the creature is merely dazzled for 1 round. While in an area that is brightly illuminated, you gain a +2 bonus to saves against fear and negative energy effects. You cannot be dazzled or blinded by bright light.   Special: A fighter may select Shining Warrior as a bonus feat


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