Spellduelist - General

You have studied the art of spell dueling, perhaps under the famed evoker Gabal in the small school he maintains in the Free Citystate of Gate Pass, or at the Lyceum Academy in Seaquen.   Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells.   Benefit: You gain Bluff and Sense Motive as bonus class skills. In addition, you know how to convince an onlooker that you’re casting a spell when you actually are not. Whenever you cast a spell, you may make a Bluff check, and any opponent who would respond to you casting a spell — such as by attempting to counter it, taking an attack of opportunity, or performing a readied action — makes a Sense Motive check with a DC equal to your Bluff check. If you win the opposed check, you trick your opponent into acting before you actually begin casting. Counterspells are wasted, because they were completed before you began casting; attacks of opportunity that hit you do not force you to make a Concentration check, because the damage was dealt before you began casting; other readied actions are completed before you actually begin casting. If you fail the opposed check, your opponent’s action overlaps your spellcasting as normal.


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