Tattoomancy - Item Creation

You can endow tattoos with magical effects.   Prerequisite: Any item creation feat, Craft (tattoo) 6 ranks.   Benefit: When you craft a magic item you possess the proper item creation feat for, instead of making a physical item you can place the magic in a tattoo. The cost to create the item is the same, but inking the tattoo only takes ten minutes for every 1,000 gp of the item’s market value.   The tattoo needs positive energy to hold onto the magic and infuse it into the tattooed creature. In order to do this, the recipient must be at full hit points, and then receive a cure light wounds spell, or some similar magic that can heal at least 5 points of damage, or some form of channeled positive energy, such as a turning attempt. The character must do this for a number of days equal to the market value of the tattoo divided by 1,000. Only once he has does the tattoo finally take effect. If the character misses a day there is no negative effect other than that the tattoo will not provide a benefit yet.   Tattoos can only emulate wondrous items and rings. Tattoos count against the same body slot that a similar item would, though they can be placed anywhere on the body. Tattoos cannot emulate items that do not fill a body slot. The tattoo permanently fills that body slot, preventing other magic items worn in that slot from functioning.   A magic tattoo can be temporarily suppressed with antimagic or dispel magic, but it can only be permanently dispelled by effects that would likewise permanently dispel a magic item. Alternately, if the bearer of the tattoo is willing, a dispel magic targeting a specific tattoo can automatically remove it. Finally, if the actual tattooed flesh is removed, the effect of the tattoo is lost.   For example, a character gets a tattoo on his shoulder of a tiger roaring, granting a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, the equivalent of a Belt of Giant Strength +4, which has a market value of 16,000 gp. The tattoo costs 8,000 gp to craft in materials, but only requires 160 minutes, a little less than 3 hours. However the character must be fully healed and receive positive energy over the course of 16 days before the tattoo grants him any benefits. As long as he has the tattoo, magic belts he wears would have no effect, since he counts as already having one. Please note that, while tattoos cannot belost, broken, or stolen, they cannot be sold or upgraded either. Characters may come to regret spending money on them if later on they want to replace them.


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