The Legend of the Flamebringer Dragon and the Stormchaser Eagle

In primordial times, an ancient spirit of elemental fire known as the Flamebringer Dragon battled the spirit of air, the Stormchaser Eagle. The dragon tore out the eagle’s heart and drank her blood, gaining immense power and ensuring the strength of his draconic progeny. But the spirits of sea and stone sensed the dragon’s growing might, and the dragon knew that if he consumed the heart and slew the eagle fully, the other two spirits would unite to destroy him. So the dragon hid the stillbeating heart in a place to which he could never return, preferring to live rather than risk death by seeking more power.   Buried beyond the sight of any creature, the heart’s blood pulsed into the roots of the world, nourishing it and fostering life above and below the surface. Ages marked the world, and as civilization rose, rumors of this font of life spread throughout the lands that would become the Imperial Seat of Acheron and its neighbors. Spellcasters could sense its power, and the power-hungry and the desperate sought it out, but only the scantest clues hinted at its location, or at the dangers that awaited those who found it. The Aquiline Heart passed into legend, becoming a symbol of the unattainable.

Historical Basis

Rumored among sages to be somehow tied to the ancient Valheru
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