The Royale

The relatively wild areas on the eastern shore of Seaquen and just off the coast provide an easy place for wouldbe heroes to gather to practice their skills against each other. While mages duel each other at Lyceum Academy, warriors or even entire parties looking to show off their talents meet here once a week, swapping stories and occasionally getting up the nerve to fight each other after having a lot of drinks. There is one tavern here, the notorious Royale, which offers to cater to “persons of uncanny prowess.” The proprieter of The Royale is the curmudeonly Valdr Galga.   Three stories tall, the Royale is slowly establishing a pecking order, with only the more dangerous or esteemed warriors being allowed to the lavish upper floors. Across the street is an ancient colliseum where warriors or parties can spar. Meanwhile in the fields and forest surrounding the tavern, numerous obstacle courses are being developed, and dozens of rumors of drama and romance circulate through the clientele. The whole compound is scattered with walled and well guarded hot springs, some intended for prudish bathing, others for more salacious activities.   The most famous aspect of The Royale's repution is The Pit, a dark shaft in the center of the tavern that is a direct link to the Tombs of the Gentle Warrior and rumored to be a link to The Endless Dark itself. Would be adventurers can be lowered down on a winch into the dungeons below for 1 gp each. Also, denizens of the Endless Dark have been known to emerge from The Pit, often adding to the entertainment for the evening as hapless patrons are eaten amidst the revelry.   Sadly, though, most of the patrons of the Royale are inappropriately sure of their own superiority. None have seen as much danger as they claim, and many of them come across simply as poseurs enjoying that they can pretend to be accomplished warriors. Most importantly, none of them are motivated to actually do anything other than drink and live out their own little dramas here.   Magistrate Votberd regularly sends observers here to make sure a bit of restless sparring doesn’t develop into bloodsports. If the heroes befriend either Xavious Foebane or Laurabec Adelsburg from the refugee camps, they may want to come here to recruit allies. During the course of this adventure it is unlikely that anything the heroes do can rouse the patrons of the Royale to action, but it could be a source of cohorts, new PCs, or magic items.


  • The Royale
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant


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